ISBN-13: 9780538744355 / Angielski / Miękka / 2009 / 656 str.
ISBN-13: 9780538744355 / Angielski / Miękka / 2009 / 656 str.
A text for introductory Latin American history courses that encompasses political and diplomatic theory, class structure and economic organization, culture and religion, and the environment. It uses both a chronological and a nation-by-nation approach, and
I. THE COLONIAL HERITAGE OF LATIN AMERICA.1. Ancient America.Environment and Culture in Ancient America. The Maya of Central America. The Aztecs of Mexico. The Incas of Peru.2. The Hispanic Background.The Medieval Heritage of Iberia's Christian Kingdoms. Ferdinand and Isabella: The Catholic Sovereigns. The Hapsburg Era: Triumph and Tragedy. 3. The Conquest of America.The Great Voyages. The Conquest of Mexico. The Conquest of Peru. How a Handful of Spaniards Won Two Empires. The Quest for El Dorado.4. The Economic Foundations of Colonial Life.Tribute and Labor in the Spanish Colonies. The Colonial Economy. Commerce, Smuggling, and Piracy.5. State, Church, and Society.Political Institutions of the Spanish Empire. The Church in the Indies. The Structure of Class and Caste.6. Colonial Brazil.The Beginning of Colonial Brazil. Government and Church. Masters and Slaves.7. The Bourbon Reforms and Spanish America.Reform and Recovery. Colonial Culture and the Enlightenment. Creole Nationalism. Colonial Society in Transition, 1750-1810: An Overview. The Revolt of the Masses.8. The Independence of Latin America.Background of the Wars of Independence. The Liberation of South America. Mexico's Road to Independence. Latin American Independence: A Reckoning.II. LATIN AMERICA IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY.9. Decolonization and the Search for National Identities, 1821-1870.The Fruits of Independence. Mexico. Argentina. Chile. United Provinces of Central America.10. Race, Nation, and the Meaning of Freedom, 1821-1888.Brazil. Peru. Peruvian Politics and Economy. Cuba. Gran Columbia.11. The Triumph of Neocolonialism and the Liberal State, 1870-1900.The New Colonialism. Mexican Politics and Economy. Argentine Politics and Economy. Chilean Politics and Economy. Brazilian Politics and Economy. Central American Politics and Economy. Venezuelan Politics and Economy. Columbian Politics and Economy.12. Forging a New Nation: The Mexican Revolution and the Populist Challenge.The Great Revolution, 1910-1920. Reconstructing the State: Rule of the Millionaire Socialists. C rdenas and Populist Interlude. The Big Bourgeoisie in Power, 1940-1976: Erosion of Reform. Popular Culture and Resistance.13. Brazil: Populism and the Struggle for Democracy in a Multiracial Society.Decline and Fall of the Old Republic, 1914-1930. Vargas and the Bourgeois Revolution, 1930-1954. Reform and Reaction, 1954-1964.14. Argentina: Populism, the Military, and the Struggle for Democracy.The Export Economy. Argentine Society. The Radical Era, 1916-1930. The Infamous Decade," 1930-1943: Military Intervention and the State. The Per n Era, 1943-1955.Collapse of Populism: In the Shadow of Per n, 1955-1973.15. Cuba: The Revolutionary Socialist Alternative to Populism.Independence and the Spanish-Cuban-American War. Dependent Development and Popular Struggle, 1902-1953. The Revolution. The Revolution in Power, 1959-2003.16. Storm Over the Andes: Indigenous Rights and the Corporatist Military Alternative.Neocolonialism, the Military, and Indigenous Resistance. The Limits of Populism, 1952-1968. Military Corporatism and Revolution, 1968-2000. 17. Chile: The Democratic Socialist Alternative.Foreign Dependency and the Liberal Parliamentary Republic, 1891-1920. Alessandri and the Rise of Populism, 1920-1970. The Chilean Road to Socialism, 1970-1973.18. Twilight of the Tyrants: Revolution and Prolonged Popular War in Central America.Guatemala. Nicaragua. El Salvador.19. Lands of Bol var: Military Crisis, State Repression, and Popular Democracy.Populism, Military Repression, and Authoritarian Politics in Colombia. Resistance, 1934-1958. Populism, Authoritarian Politics, and Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela.20. Deconstructing ghe State: Dictatorship and Neoliberal Markets.Military Dictatorship and Neoliberalism in Brazil. Military Dictatorship and Neoliberalism in Chile, 1973-2003. Military Dictatorship and Neoliberalism in Argentina. Neoliberalism and the Authoritarian State in Mexico, 1977-2003. Foreign Intervention and Subversion of Democracy in Nicaragua.21. Transcending Neoliberalism: Electoral Enga os and Popular Resistance to the Dictatorship of Markets. Electoral Deception in Brazil. Electoral Deception in Argentina. Electoral Deception in Peru. Electoral Deception in Chile. Electoral Deception in Mexico. Electoral Deception in Bolivia. Electoral Deception in Ecuador. Market Forces and State Regulation in the Cuban Model.22. The Two Americas: United States-Latin American Relations.U.S. Policy Objectives. Prelude to Empire, 1810-1897. An Imperial Power, 1898-1945. Defending the Empire and Capitalism, 1945-1981. The Return to "Gunboat Diplomacy," 1981-2003. Toward a New World Order?"
Benjamin Keen (PhD, Yale University) was professor Emeritus from Northern Illinois University. He was a leading scholar in the field of Latin American history, particularly the colonial period in Mexico. Although retired from active teaching for some years, Keen continued to research, write, and lecture until his death in late 2002. Keith Haynes (PhD 1981 Northern Illinois University) is Professor of History at The College of Saint Rose in Albany, New York, where he has taught Latin American and U.S. diplomatic history for more than 20 years.
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