1. Colonial realities and colonial literature in 'Colombia' Michael Palencia-Roth; 2. Cosmography, ethnography, and the literary imagination of the new kingdom of Granada Elizabeth Pettinaroli; 3. Colombian poetry from the colonial period to the modernismo (1500–1920) James Alstrum; 4. Reflections on the historiography of the Colombian novel, 1844–1953 and beyond Kevin Guerrieri; 5. Modern Colombian poetry: from modernism to the twenty-first century James Alstrum; 6. The Colombian novel in the late twentieth century Raymond L. Williams and Marina Nájera; 7. Twenty-first century fiction Claire Taylor and Raymond L. Williams; 8. Colombian theater: staging the sociopolitical body Lucia Garavito; 9. The Colombian essay Héctor Hoyos; 10. Literature, culture, and society of the Magdalena Rivera Rory O'Bryen; 11. The highland region as seen by an outsider inside, and an insider outside Juan Carlos González Espitia; 12. Racial fictions: constructing whiteness in nineteenth-century Colombian literature Mercedes López Rodriguez; 13. Literature and culture in Antioquia: between stories and accounts Juan Luis Mejía; 14. Colombian marginalized literatures Valentin González-Bohórquez and Diana Dodson-Lee; 15. García Márquez as public intellectual Gene Bell-Villada; 16. Women writers in Colombia Claire Taylor; 17. Colombian queer narrative Gina Ponde de Leon; 18. Extracting nature: toward an ecology of Colombian narrative Mark Anderson and Marcela Reales; 19. Visions of nature: Colombian literature and the environment from the colonial period to the nineteenth century Ana Maria Mutis and Elizabeth Pettinaroli; 20. The intersections between poetry and fiction in two Colombian writers of the twentieth century: Alvaro Mutis and Dario Jaramillo Agudelo Enrique Salas-Durazo; 21. Colombian literature: national treasure or fraud? Dario Jaramillo Agudelo; 22. Colonial legacies and Colombian literature: postcolonial considerations Elzbieta Sklodowska.