I. There feems to be a diference between remote and contiguous attraction -- II. Single elective attractions -- 111. Whether the order of attractlons be conftant -- IV. A dfference in the degree of beat fometimes produces a diference in elective attractions -- V. Apparent irregularitiesfrom a double attractions -- VI. Apparent exceptions from a fuccef five change fubftances -- VII. Apparent exceptions from folubilily -- VIII. Exceptions from the combination of three fubftances -- IX. Exceptions from a determinate excefs of one or other of the ingredients -- X. How we are to determine the Single elective attractions -- XI. The necefity for a new table of attractions -- Xli. Column first, the vitriolic acid -- XIII. Column Second, the pblogifticated vitriolic acid -- XIV. Column third, nitrous acid -- XV. column fourth, the pblogifticated nitrous acid -- XVI. Column fifth, the muriatic acid, -- XVII. Column sixth, the depblogjfticated marine acid -- XVIII. co!unmn seventh, aqua regia -- XIX. Column eighth, fluor acid -- XX. Column ninth, the arfenical acid -- XXI. Column tenth, acid of borax, -- XXII. Column eleventh, acid of sugar -- XXIII. Column twelfth, acid of tartar -- XXIV. Column thirteenth, acid of forrel -- XXV. Column fourteenth, acid of lemon -- XXVI. Column fifteenth, acid of benzoin -- XXVII. Column Sixteenth, acid of amber -- XXVIII. Column Seventeenth, acid of Sugar of milk -- XXIX. Column eighteenth, diftiiled vinegar -- XXX. Column nineteenth, acid of milk -- XXXI. Column twentieth, acid of ants -- xxxii. Column twenty-first, acid of fat -- XXXIII. Column twenty_Second, phospboric acid -- XXXIV. Column iwenfy-third acidum perlatum -- XXXV. Column twenty-fourth, acid of Pruffian blue -- XXXVI. Column twenty-fifth, the aerial acid -- XXXVII. Column twenty-sixth, caustic vegetable alkali -- XXXVIII. Column twetity-seventh, caustic mineral alkali -- XXXIX. Golurnn tu’eniy-et’bth, cernflue volatile alkali, - -- XL. Column twenty-ninth, cauftic ponderous earth -- XLI. Column thirtieth, lime -- XLII. Column thirty-first, cauftic magnefia -- XLIII. Column thirty-fecond, pure clay -- XLIV. Column thirty-third, fiiceous earth -- XLV. Column thirty-fourth, water -- X LV1. Column thirty-fifth, vital air -- XLV II. Column thirty-sixth, pblogiflon -- XLVIII. Column thirty-seventh, the matter of beat -- XLIX. Column thirty-eighth, sulphur -- L. Column thirty-ninth, saline bepar -- LI. Column fortieth,spirit of wine -- LII. Golumn forty-first, ather, -- LIII. Column forty-Second, effential oil -- LIV. Column forty-third, unctuous oil -- LV. Column forty-fourth, gold -- LVI. Column forty-fifth, platina -- LVII. Column forty-sixth, silver -- LVIII. Column forty-seventh, mercury -- LIX. Column forty-eighth, lead -- LX. Column forty-ninth, copper -- LXI. Column fiftieth, iron -- LXII. Column flfty-flrft, tin -- LXIII. Column fifty-Second, bifmuth -- LXIV. Column fifty-third, nickle -- LXV. Column fifty-fourth, arfenic -- LXVI. Column fifty fifth, cobalt -- LXVII. Column flfiy-sixth, ZInc -- LXVIII. Column fifiy-seventh, antimony -- LXIX. Column fifty-eighth, manganefe -- LXX. Column fifty.ninth,fiderite.