Acknowledgments ixNotes on Contributors xiEditorial Practices and Abbreviations xviiiBibliography xixAbbreviations xxBrief Chronology of the Life and Works of J.R.R. Tolkien xxiiIntroduction to the Second Edition xxxivPart I: Life 11 A Brief Biography 3John GarthPart II: The Academic 192 Academic Writings 21Thomas Honegger3 Tolkien as Editor 34Tom Shippey4 Manuscripts: Use and Using 48Stuart D. LeePart III: The Legendarium 655 Myth-making, Sub-creation, and World-building 67Carl Phelpstead6 Middle-earth Mythology: An Overview 79Leslie A. Donovan7 The Silmarillion: Tolkien's Theory of Myth, Text, and Culture 93Gergely Nagy8 The Hobbit: A Turning Point 104John D. Rateliff9 The Lord of the Rings 116John R. Holmes10 Unfinished Tales and the History of Middle-earth: A Lifetime of Imagination 127Elizabeth A. Whittingham11 "The Lost Road" and "The Notion Club Papers": Myth, History, and Time-travel 140Verlyn Flieger12 Poetry 152Corey Olsen13 "Minor" Works 166Maria Artamonova14 Invented Languages and Writing Systems 177Arden R. SmithPart IV: Context 18915 Fantasy: An Introduction 191Edward James16 Classical Literature 203Hamish Williams17 "On Fairy-stories" and Folktale Research 214Juliette Wood18 Old English 224Mark Atherton19 Middle English 235Elizabeth Solopova20 Old Norse 247Tom Birkett21 Finnish: The Land and Language of Heroes 260Leena Kahlas-Tarkka22 Celtic: "Celtic Things" and "Things Celtic" - Identity, Language, and Mythology 271J. S. Lyman-Thomas23 The English Literary Tradition: Shakespeare to the Gothic 283Nick Groom24 Earlier Fantasy Fiction: Morris, Dunsany, and Lindsay 297Rachel Falconer25 The Inklings and Others: Tolkien and His Contemporaries 309David Bratman26 Later Fantasy Fiction: Tolkien's Legacy 324Dimitra Fimi27 Periodizing Tolkien: The Romantic Modern 337Anna VaninskayaPart V: Critical Approaches 35328 The Critical Response to Tolkien's Fiction 355Patrick Curry29 Style and Intertextual Echoes 374Allan Turner30 The Hero's Journey 386Anna Caughey31 Evil 399Christopher Garbowski32 Nature 410Liam Campbell33 Religion: An Implicit Catholicism 424Pat Pinsent34 War 437Janet Brennan Croft35 Women 448Adam Roberts36 Difference and Otherness 460Christopher Vaccaro37 Art 472Christopher Tuthill38 Music 485Bradford Lee Eden39 Film Adaptations: Theatrical and Television Versions 497Kristin Thompson40 Games: Playable Arda 511Péter Kristóf Makai41 Fandom 525Cait Coker General Bibliography 535Index 544
Stuart D. Lee is a senior member of the Faculty of English at the University of Oxford. He is a teacher and researcher in the areas of Fantasy Literature, War Poetry, Old English, and Digital Humanities. He has published extensively and most recently edited the 4-volume Critical Assessments of Major Writers: J. R. R. Tolkien and co-edited The Keys of Middle-earth. Dr Lee has led many major Digital Humanities research projects, including The First World War Poetry Digital Archive.