ISBN-13: 9781405120289 / Angielski / Miękka / 2004 / 489 str.
ISBN-13: 9781405120289 / Angielski / Miękka / 2004 / 489 str.
A Companion to Genethics is the first substantial study of the multifaceted dimensions of the genetic revolution and its philosophical, ethical, social and political significance.
The editors are to be congratulated on compiling such a stimulating and provocative volume. This is for those who wish to examine the basis of human bioethics thoroughly, whether they be novice or expert. Those who think they have clear attitudes to many of the ethical and social issues raised by developments in human genetics are likely to be forced to rethink at least some of their positions by the challenging and well–presented arguments that have been gathered together here."
Angus Clarke, University of Wales
"This timely book makes clear that genetic research will transform healthcare, choices about children, and standards of property. The contributors here stake out key questions facing health professionals and social policy makers, and they have insightful things to say about how we should go about answering those questions."
Timothy F. Murphy, University of IllinoisCollege of Medicine at Chicago
" ... Genethics makes some important contributions, offering a primer on key aspects of contemporary genetics before focusing on some of the most important ethical, legal, economic, political issues facing researchers, politicians, and, to some extent, the general population ... The book′s strengths are its multidisciplinary approach, the overall quality of its contributions, and the refusal of most contributors to oversimplify and risk the microdeterminism of many popular essays." Choice
List of Contributors.
Introduction : Justine Burley (University of Manchester and Exeter College, Oxford) and John Harris (University of Manchester).
1. Stem cells: C.N. Svendsen (University of Cambridge).
2. Gene therapy for neurological disorders: P.R. Lowenstein (Gene Therapeutics Institute).
3. Cloning in biology and medicine: Ian Wilmut (Roslin Institute)Genetics of old age: Thomas B.L. Kirkwood (University of Newcastle).
4. The ethical legacy of Nazi medical war crimes: Paul Weindling (Oxford Bookes University).
5. Biotechnology and animals: Bernard E. Rollin (Colorado State University).
6. The role of informed consent in genetic experimentation: SørenHolm (University of Oslo).
7. Testing children and adolescents: Dorothy Wertz (University of Massachusetts).
8. Genetic testing of children: Lainie Friedman Ross (University of Chicago).
9. Mapping the human genome and "Monster Mythology": George J. Annas (Boston University).
10. The moral status of the gene: Mary Anne Warren (San Francisco State University).
11. The ethical use of human embryonic stem cells in research and therapy: John Harris (University of Manchester).
12. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis and embryo selection: Bonnie Steinbock (State University of New York at Albany).
13. Individual autonomy and genetic choice: Matthew Clayton (Brunel University).
14. Cloning and public policy: Ruth Macklin (Albert Einstein College of Medicine).
15. Sex–selection: The feminist response: Diemut Bubeck (London School of Economics).
16. Creating perfect people: Philip Kitcher (Columbia University).
17. Genetics and personal identity: Carol Rovane (Columbia University).
18. Genetic determinism and gene selection: Richard Dawkins (University of Oxford and New College).
19. The "Darwin Wars" and the human self image: Janet Radcliffe Richards (University College London.
20. Religion and Gene Therapy: Gerald McKenny (Rice University).
21. Race', genetics and human difference: Hussein Kassim (University of London).
22. Self–ownership, begetting and germ–line information: Hillel Steiner (University of Manchester).
23. Justice, genetics and lifestyles: Inez de Beaufort (Erasmus University).
24. Commercial exploitation of the human genome: Ruth Chadwick (Lancaster University) and Adam Hedgecoe (University College London).
25. Forensic DNA typing: David Wasserman (University of Maryland).
26. Privacy and genetics: Madison Powers (Georgetown University).
27. DNA banking: Bartha Maria Knoppers (University of Montreal).
28. Genetic difference in the workplace: Michael Yesley (Los Alamos National Laboratory).
29. The insurance market and discriminatory practices: Tom Sorell (University of Ethics).
30. Legal and ethical issues in biotechnology patenting: Pilar Ossorio (American Medical Association.
31. Patented genes: Mark Sagoff (University of Maryland, College Park).
32. Property, patents, and genetic material: Stephen Munzer (University of California, Los Angeles).
33. Genetic screening from a public health perspective: Scott Burris (Temple University) and Lawrence Gostin (Georgetown University).
Afterword: Sir David Weatherall (University of Oxford).
Justine Burley is Adjunct Associate Professor at the National University of Singapore. Most recently, she was a Lecturer at the University of Oxford. She served as Fellow of the Institute of Medicine, Law and Bioethics (1995–1998) at Oxford and as Simon Fellow at the University of Manchester (1998–2002). She is editor of The Genetic Revolution and Human Rights (1999) and Dworkin and His Critics (Blackwell, 2004).
John Harris is Sir David Alliance Professor of Bioethics at the University of Manchester where he is also Director of the Centre for Social Ethics and Policy and Academic Director of the Institute of Medicine, Law and Bioethics. He is the author of Violence and Responsibility (1980), The Value of Life (1985), Wonderwoman and Superman (1992), and Clones, Genes and Immortality (1998). He has also co–edited Experiments on Embryos (1990), Ethics and Biotechnology (1994), and The Future of Human Reproduction (1998).
The completion of the human genome project in 2000 dramatically emphasized the imminent success of the genetic revolution. The ethical and social consequences of this scientific development are immense. From human reproduction to life–extending therapies, from the impact on gender and race to public health and public safety, there is scarcely a part of our lives left unaffected by the impact of the new genetics.
A Companion to Genethics is the first substantial study of the multifaceted dimensions of the genetic revolution and its philosophical, ethical, social, and political significance. It brings together the best and most influential contemporary writing about genethics. Newly commissioned essays from prominent figures in the current debate provide a wide–ranging and fascinating scholarly analysis of all the issues that arise from this explosive science.
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