"A delicate, evocative story of strength and survival that turns on one of the most powerful forces in the known universe: a mother's love. Braiding together the past and the present, A Brilliant Life shows how the two can never be separated-how, in families especially, we are shaped by the stories we inherit." - Jonathan Freedland, bestselling author of The Escape Artist
"Journalist Unreich makes a graceful book debut with a family history, gleaned from interviews that she conducted with her 89-year-old mother, Mira, before she died from cancer . . . . A daughter's tender portrait of a woman who lived through terror." - Kirkus Reviews
Rachelle Unreich has been a journalist for thirty-eight years, including seven years in New York and Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in publications such as Harper's Bazaar, Elle, Rolling Stone, and the Sydney Morning Herald, and she also has been extensively published in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Southeast Asia. She lives in Melbourne, Australia.