Summary of the Contents: M. Haspelmath: The converb as a cross-lingustically valid category E. König: The meaning of converb constructions V. P. Nedjalkov: Some typological parameters of converbs W. Bisang: Verb serialization and converbs-differences and similarities B. Kortmann: Adverbial participal clauses in English D. Weiss: Russian converbs: A typical outline C. de Groot: The Hungarian converb or verbal adverbial in -va/ve L. Johanson: On Turkic converb clauses D. I. Slobin: Converb in Turkish cild language... M. B. Bergelson-A.A. Kibrik: The system of switch-refenrence in Tuva... M. Haspelmath: Contextual and specialized converbs in Lezgian I. V. Nedjalkov: Converbs in Evenki V. M. Alpatov - V. Podlesskaya: Converbs in Japanese B. Tikkanen: Burushaski converbs in their South and Central Asian arcal context M Haspelmath: A bibliography of converbs
Martin Haspelmath is Professor of Linguistics at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Department of Linguistics, Leipzig, Germany.