ISBN-13: 9781940153032 / Angielski / Miękka / 2013 / 386 str.
Betrayal of a Child at anytime in their life is a tragedy and even more detrimental when that betrayal is ongoing during the entire formative years of the period termed "childhood." When children are thought to be carefree explorers of the world they occupy versus being objectified. Perhaps this story will break the seal off of the silence of a betrayed child, or an adult who endured betrayal as a child. Break the seal of silence because it is time Researcher Laurie Kahn, MA shares that ..".When a parent or caregiver whose charge it is to love and protect is also a perpetrator of abuse, love and abuse become acceptable partners...The child's world is changed. The blueprint for loving relationships includes the acceptance of harm and betrayal without accountability. Betrayal trauma theory (Freyd, 1996, p. 10) explains "the ability to detect betrayal may need to be stifled for the greater goal of survival.