This is the first book devoted to the work of Peter Singer, one of the leaders of the practical ethics movement, and one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century.
Winner of the Choice Magazine – Outstanding Academic Title of 1999 Award.
"Dale Jamieson′s introductory essay, "Singer and the Practical Ethics Movement", is designed not just to give the reader a feel for what Singer has written and not just to personalize him, which is important in a volume such as this, but to situate him in a larger social and historical context...The chapter is riveting...Those of us who use Singer′s essays in our courses...will want to draw upon Jamieson′s chapter for background information." Keith Burgess–Jackson, University of Texas at Arlington, Ethics, July 2000.
"Whether the reader is a Singer neophyte or a person well acquainted with his works, this anthology will no doubt enlighten her, not only with respect to Singer′s positions, but also with respect to the seeming intractability of ethical problems in general". Antony Skelton, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, December 2001.
"No one alive today has had such a large influence on practical ethics as Peter Singer. Furthermore, his contributions to practical ethics have vividly brought to light central issues in moral theory. Thus, a volume of essays on his philosophy was an excellent idea. And the end product is very good...the papers in this collection rank with the very best recent essays in moral philosophy". Brad Hooker, University of Reading, Mind, Jan 2002
Notes on Contributors.
1. Singer and the Practical Ethics Movement: Dale Jamieson (Carleton College).
2. Noncognitivism, Validity, and Conditionals: Frank Jackson (Australian National University).
3. The Definition of "Moral": Michael Smith (Australian National University).
4. Peter Singer′s Expanding Circle: Compassion and the Liberation of Ethics: Robert C. Solomon (University of Texas).
5. Teachers in an Age of Transition: Peter Singer (Monash University) and J. S. Mill: Roger Crisp (St Anne′s College).
6. What, if Anything, Renders All Humans Morally Equal? Richard J. Arneson (University of California at San Diego).
7. Must Utilitarians be Impartial? Lori Gruen (Stanford University).
8. Our Duties to Animals and the Poor: Colin McGinn (Rutgers University).
9. Famine Ethics: the Problem of Moral Distance and Singer′s Ethical Theory: F. M. Kamm (New York University).
10. Empathy and Animal Ethics: Richard Holton and Rae Langton (University of Sheffield).
11. Why I am Only a Demi–Vegetarian: R. M. Hare (University of Oxford).
12. Respect for Life: Counting What Singer Finds of No Account: Holmes Rolston III (Colorado State University).
13. A Response: Peter Singer (Monash University).
14. Peter Singer: Selected Publications, 1970–1998.
Dale Jamieson is Henry L. Luce Professor in Human Dimensions of Global Change at Carleton College. He is the editor of Readings in Animal Cognition (1996) and Reflecting on Nature: Readings in Environmental Philosophy (1994). For nearly twenty years he taught at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and has also held visiting positions at Cornell, Monash University in Australia, and Oxford University. He works primarily in environmental philosophy, ethics, and philosophy of biology and mind.
This is the first book devoted to the work of Peter Singer, one of the leaders of the practical ethics movement, and one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century.
Singer′s metaethical views, his normative theory, and his substantive positions on such matters as the moral status of animals, the sanctity of human life, and famine relief are all subjected to scrutiny. The volume contains new essays by leading philosophers from three continents: Richard J. Arneson, Roger Crisp, Lori Gruen, Richard Holton, Frank Jackson, Dale Jamieson, F. M. Kamm, Rae Langton, Colin McGinn, Rolmes Rolston III, Michael Smith, and Robert Solomon. R. M. Hare′s previously published rejoinder to Singer, "Why I Am Only a Demi–Vegetarian" is also included.
Singer′s replies to his critics importantly supplement what he has previously written and will be essential reading for anyone who wants to fully understand his views.
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