ISBN-13: 9781535098168 / Angielski / Miękka / 2016 / 122 str.
Sharon Bette Koepp had been raised by strict, religious parents. Arnold Koepp was an elder in the church; Mamie was the organist and choir director. Life revolved around not doing anything that would make the neighbors talk. Who was to know that during the Search for Dixie Lee, Sharon would find a family that had everyone talking? The Search for Dixie Lee is a true story; taken not from the front page headlines, but from scraps of paper, family stories, old letters, and of course, the court records. It could be the story of anyone, your own mother or father, perhaps even yourself. When a person is adopted, there is often a strange pull to find your past, your history, your ancestry, your birthright. This little story is about one woman's journey to finding her family, and along the way, much about herself and where she came from. A wide departure from Sharolyn's normal "K-9 SEARCH" books, The Search for Dixie Lee is written for her mom. There are no dogs, no real adventure, however, it is a search story; the search for a person missing for sixty years.