'In Bordering the authors give us an account that brings together the multiple vectors that constitute a border, making legible components of borders we never think of. And they discover that border brutality can include much more than the familiar notions and images we see in newspapers.'
Saskia Sassen, Columbia University, author of Expulsions
'A path-breaking study of borders and bordering processes that combines theoretical depth with empirical insight. It points to the many and varied ways in which bordering processes weave together sociopolitical and economic dimensions across complex and contested terrains. Highly recommended.'
Avtar Brah, Professor Emerita of Sociology, Birkbeck College, University of London
* Contents
* Acknowledgements
* Chapter 1 Introduction: Framing Bordering
* Introduction
* Bordering: in between the political and socio-cultural
* Bordering and neoliberal globalization
* Everyday intersectional bordering
* Outline of the book
* Chapter 2 Bordering, Governance and Belonging: An Historical Overview
* Introduction
* Pre-modern borderings
* Modernity and bordering: the long eighteenth century
* Bordering in the aftermath of WW1
* Bordering in the aftermath of WW2
* The collapse of state socialism and EU enlargement
* Neoliberalism and its crises
* The rise of absolutist movements
* Bordering in the context of violent conflicts, neoliberal developments and ecological crisis in the Global South
* Journeys towards the 'global migration crisis'
* Rebordering
* Brexit
* Conclusion
* Chapter 3 Firewall Bordering at State Managed Border Control Points
* Introduction
* Bordering-scape 1: 'external' border control points: visas, airports, train station, seaports
* Bordering-scape 2: firewall bordering at 'internal' border control point of registry offices
* Bordering-scape 3: firewall bordering, 'external' and 'internal' bordering encounters experienced by Eastern European Roma and Nepali army families.
* Conclusion
* Chapter 4 Everyday Bordering, Citizenship and Belonging
* Introduction
* Bordering-scape 4: employment
* Bordering-scape 5: accommodation
* Bordering scape 6: education
* Conclusion
* Chapter 5 Bordering and Grey Zones
* Introduction
* Bordering-scape 7: The 'Jungle' in Calais
* Bordering-scape 8: grey zones in Britain
* Bordering-scape 9: post-borderland Dover
* Conclusion
* Chapter 6 Conclusion: Understanding Bordering
* Introduction
* Bordering as central and constitutive of social processes
* Bordering as a political discourse and practice of governance and belonging
* Bordering as an outcome and cause of social inequalities
* Bordering as a situated endeavour
* Bordering and transversal political epistemology
* Resisting everyday bordering
* Notes
* Bibliography
* Index
Nira Yuval-Davis is Professor Emeritus, Honorary Director of the Research Centre on Migration, Refugees and Belonging (CMRB) at the University of East London.
Georgie Wemyss is Senior lecturer and Co-Director of the CMRB at the University of East London.
Kathryn Cassidy is Associate Professor of Human Geography at Northumbria University.