List of Illustrations
Part I
Soliloquies in Practice
1. Is this a dagger?
2. Attributes of soliloquy
Part II
Soliloquies in Theory
1. Now I am alone
2. Origins
3. Soliloquies and Self
4. Staging Soliloquies
5. Some Kinds of Soliloquy
6. The Mind's Construction
Part III
Soliloquies in Performance
1. Noma Dumezweni
2. Mariah Gale
3. Lucian Msamati
4. Pippa Nixon
5. Jonjo O’Neill
6. Jonathan Slinger
7. Alex Waldmann
8. Dame Harriet Walter
Part IV
Soliloquies in Play
1. Richard in Richard III, with Henry VI, Part 3
2. Romeo and Juliet
3. Othello
Select Bibliography