Governing Local Social Innovations against Poverty across Europe ~ Stijn Oosterlynck, Yuri Kazepov and Andreas Novy
The Historical Trajectory of Social Innovation in the European Union ~ Gert Verschraegen, Stijn Oosterlynck, Sebastiano Sabato and Andreas Novy
On Elephants, Butterflies and Lions: Social Protection, Innovation and Investment ~ Yuri Kazepov, Tatiana Saruis, Fabio Colombo
Modalities of Governing the Welfare Mix ~ Stijn Oosterlynck and Pieter Cools
The Multi-scalar Puzzle of Social Innovation ~ Yuri Kazepov, Fabio Colombo, Tatiana Saruis
Contradictory Dynamics of Empowerment in Social Innovation Initiatives ~ Stijn Oosterlynck, Andreas Novy, Bernhard Leubolt and Carla Weinzierl
Negotiating Diversity and Equality ~ Andreas Novy and Carla Weinzierl
Knowledge for Social Innovation ~ Andreas Novy, Pieter Cools, Gert Verschraegen and Carla Weinzierl
Consolidating Social Innovation ~ Yuri Kazepov, Tatiana Saruis and Fabio Colombo
Conclusion: Local Social Innovation and Welfare Reform ~ Stijn Oosterlynck, Andreas Novy and Yuri Kazepov