1. Introduction: Calls for Social Theory in Teacher Education Research, Kathleen Nolan and Jennifer TupperPart I: Researching Theory and Practice as Teacher Educators
2. Examining the Nature of Teacher Education using the Principle of Contradictions: A Cultural Historical Activity Theory Perspective, Karen Goodnough, Thomas Falkenberg and Ronald J. MacDonald
3. Pursuing Relational and Differential Methodologies: From Diffraction to Monstrosity in In-service Teacher Education, Margaret MacDonald, Cher Hill, Nathalie Sinclair, Suzanne Smythe, Kelleen Toohey and Diane Dagenais
4. Bourdieuian Disruptions in Teacher Education: Teacher Candidates Thinking with / through Social Theory, Jennifer Tupper and Kathleen NolanPart II: On Becoming Teachers: Identity and Development in Teacher Education
5. Assembling Technology Teacher Education: Translating Technological Skills into Educational Praxis, Yu-Ling Lee
6. Confronting and Challenging Preservice Teacher Subjectivities in a Community of Excellence, Margot Ford and Joanne Ailwood
7. Teaching for 3Cs: Centring Imagination in Teacher Education, Farid Panjwani and Nicole Brown
8. Exploring Uneven Experiences in the Development of a Teaching Identity, Margaret WalshawPart III: (Re)Framing Experiences in the Field of Teacher Education
9. Teacher Education Field Experience: Building for the Continual Modulation in the Rubble of Humanism, Michele Sorensen
10. Interrupting the Success-Failure Binary in Teacher Education: Our Experience of Foucault’s Panopticon, Paul Betts and Lee Anne Block
11. Provoking Knowledges and Weaving Conversations in Teacher Education, Catherine DohertyPart IV: Theorizing Teaching and Teacher Education
12. Reclaiming a Social Perspective on Learning to Teach: The Place and Promise of La Didactique du Plurilinguisme in Research on Language Teacher Education, Cécile Sabatier and Shawn Bullock
13. Love as Vocation: The Moral Experience and Value Repertoires in Teacher Education, Simone Brito
14. Social Theory's Nod to Heidegger: Contributions of Phenomenological Ontology to Teacher Education Research, Douglas Karrow, Sharon Harvey and Jie Yu