"This collection can (and indeed should) be used as a source for all folklorists, fieldworkers, and ethnoraphers, not merely those interested in children's folklore...recommended reading for every new student in folklore and a book that any floklorist will count as a valuable addition to his or her library." -- Journal of American Folklore
Who Are the Folklorists of Childhood? Sylvia Ann Grider * The Complexity of Children's Folklore Rosemary L vy Zumwalt * The Transmission of Children's Folklore John McDowell * Double Dutch and Double Cameras Ann Richman Beresin * Girls' Gaming Linda A. Hughes * Methodological Problems in Collecting Folklore from Children Gary Alan Fine * Songs, Poems, and Rhymes, C.W. Sullivan III * Riddles Danielle M. Roemer * Tales and Legneds Elizabeth Tucker * Teases and Pranks Marilyn Jorgensen * Children's Lore in School and Playgrounds Bernard Mergen * Material Folklore of Children Simon J. Bronner * The Folklore in Children and Adolescents in Total Institutions Jay Mechling * The Past in the Present: Theoretical Directions for Children's FolkloreFelicia McMahon and Brian Sutton-Smith * Glossary of Key Terms * Bibliography Thomas W. Johnson (and Felicia McMahon) * Index. Glossary`
Thomas W. Johnson, Brian Sutton-Smith, Jay Mechling, Felicia McMahon