Foreword Preface Part 1: Health, Well-Being and Productivity Landscape 1. Effects of the Built Environment on Health and Wellbeing Derek Clements-Croome 2. The Business Case for Sustainable Healthy Buildings Derek Clements-Croome 3. The Multi-Sensory Experience in Buildings Briony Turner, Derek Clements-Croome, and Kay Pallaris 4. Pleasure and Joy, and their Role in Human Life Michel Cabanac 5. User-Centred Workspace Design: Applications of environmental psychology to space for work Jacqueline Vischer 6. Change Makers: rethinking the productive workplace through an art and design lens Jeremy MyersonPart 2: Research Evidence 7. Lessons from Schools for Productive Office Environments: the SIN model Peter Barrett 8. Effects of Indoor Air Quality on Decision Making Usha Satish and Piers MacNaughton 9. Workplace Productivity: Fatigue and Satisfaction Shin-ichi Tanabe and Naoe Nishihara 10. Proving the Productivity Benefits of Well-Designed Offices Nigel Oseland 11. Optimising Wellbeing and Productivity through an Ergonomics Based Approach Stephen Bowden 12. Lighting For Productive Workplaces Jennifer Veitch 13. Intelligent workplaces Vivian Loftness et al 14. Thermal and IAQ Effects on School and Office Work Pawel Wargocki and David Wyon 15. Measuring the IEQ Contribution to Productivity and Wellbeing Vyt Garnys, Travis Hale and Adam GarnysPart 3: Experiential Evidence from Surveys and Building Case Studies 16. A Visual Language of the Workplace Peter Bacevice, Hannah Beveridge and Liz Burow 17. The People-Building Interface: It’s a Two Way Street Judith Heerwagen, Kevin Kampschroer, Bryan Steverson and Brian Gilligan 18. Workplace: A Tool for Investment Kevin Reader 19. Productivity in Buildings: the Killer Variables - twenty years on Adrian Leaman and Bill Bordass 20. Enjoy Work: A Case Study on Chiswick Park Jason Margrave, Ron German and Kay Chaston 21. The Arup Experience of Workplace Design Ann-Marie Aguilar, Vicki Lockhart, Mallory Taub and Michael Stych 22. Achieving Holistic Sustainability: considering wellness alongside resource use in buildings Jennifer McArthur 23. Making the Economic Case for Good Design of Workplaces Sarah Daly 24. Building Performance: the Value Management Approach Part 4: FutureHorizons 25. Stranger Than We Can Imagine: the future of work and place in the 21st Century Mark Eltringham 26. How to Prevent Todays Ergonomic Office Problems in the Future Veerle Hermans 27. Future Landscapes Despina Katsikakis 28. Coda Derek Clements-Croome