Preface -- Abbreviations -- Transcripts of Unlocated Manuscripts -- {Escapades Ascribed to Professor Wilson} -- Morning Studies -- The Loveliest Sight for Woman’s Eyes -- On Pagan Sacrifices -- David’s Numbering of the People — The Politics of the Situation -- The Jews as a Separate People -- ‘What is Truth?’ the jesting Pilate Said — A False Gloss -- Anecdotes -- Some Thoughts on Biography -- National Manners and False Judgment of Them -- Increased Possibilities of Sympathy in the Present Age -- Conversation and S. T. Coleridge -- Cicero (Supplementary to Published Essay) -- Defence of the English Peerage -- Theory and Practice -- Pope and Didactic Poetry -- Criticism on Some of Coleridge’s Criticisms of Wordsworth -- Wordsworth and Southey: Affinities and Differences -- Pronunciation -- The Jewish Scriptures Could Have Been Written in No Modern Era -- Dispersion of the Jews, and Joseph us’s Enmity to Christianity -- Christianity as the Result of Pre-Established Harmony -- The Messianic Idea Romanized -- Contrast of Greek and Persian Feeling in Certain Aspects -- Omitted Passages from the Review of Bennett’s Ceylon -- Why Scripture Does Not Deal with Science (‘Pagan Oracles’) -- The Rhapsodoi -- Frotii ‘Brevia’ -- Explanatory Notes -- Index.