1 Folkways as a Sociological Classic -Philip Manning
2 William Graham Sumner's Proto-Sociology of Law -A. Javier Trevino
3 William Graham Sumner's Proto-Symbolic Interactionism -Philip Manning
4 Certain Folkways and Uncertain Mores -Jonathan B. Imber
5 Folkways and the Rise of Modern Sociology -Howard G. Schneiderman
6 Folkways Chapter I, Fundamental Notions of the Folkways and of the Mores (1907) -William Graham Sumner Chapter II, Characteristics of the Mores (1907) -William Graham Sumner Chapter XV, The Mores Can Make Anything Right . . . (1907) -William Graham Sumner
7 Religion and the Mores American Journal of Sociology (1910) -William Graham Sumner
8 The Mores of the Present and the Future Yale Review (1909) -William Graham Sumner
9 The Family and Social Change American Journal of Sociology (1909) -William Graham Sumner