PART I: The African Security Regime Complex 1. Introduction 2. The Rise of the African Security Regime Complex: Theoretical Perspectives PART II: The UN and Regional International Organizations 3. The United Nations 4. The African Union 5. Regional Economic Communities 6. The European Union PART III: The Role of Lead Nations 7. South Africa 8. Nigeria 9. France 10. The United Kingdom 11. The United States of America 12. China PART IV: The African Security Regime Comlpex: Case Studies 13. The Somali Regime Complex 14. The Central African Republic 15. Regime Complexity and Peacekeeping in Mali PART V: Conclusion 16. Peacekeeping It's a Collective Effort
Malte Brosig is Associate Professor in International Relations at the Department of International Relations at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.