Introduction * Part 1:Compliance Theory - Compliance Theory: an Overview * Compliance, Citizens and NGOs * Appendix 1: Case Studies * Compliance with International Environmental Obligations: Existing International Legal Arrangements * Part 2: Global Compliance Systems - Designing a Compliance System for the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change * Appendix 2: Non-Compliance Procedures Under the Montreal Protocol * Appendix 3a: The Framework Convention on Climate Change: Contents * 3b: The Framework Convention on Climate Change * Appendix 4a: Further Non-Compliance Procedures: Contents * 4b: Further Non-Compliance Procedures * Compliance with international Environmental Obligations: a Case Study of the International Whaling Commission * Part 3: The Implementation of International Agreements - The Role of the EC in Implementing International Environmental Law * A Case Study of a Regional Approach to Compliance with CITES in Southern Africa * The Implementation of CITES in China * International Agreements and Environmental Management Follow-up in Bangladesh * Part 4: Enforcement Measures: the Use of Economic Instruments and Financial Resources * Trade Sanctions: Effective Enforcement Tools * The Use of Joint Implementation to Increase Compliance with the Climate Change Convention * Appendix 5: Extracts of Relevant Convention Provisions in Joint Implementation * Financing Global Environmental Protection * UN Framework Convention on Climate Change: the European Carbon/Energy Tax and its International Trade Law Implications * Notes and References * Afterword to Chapter Five * Glossary * Index.