1. Permitted Urgency: a prologue, Naeem Inayatullah and Elizabeth Dauphinee 2. The Reluctant Immigrant: applicant to Modernity from afar Randolph B. Persaud 3. Dissolutions of the Self Véronique Pin-Fat 4. Simultaneous Translation: finding my core in the periphery Manuela L. Picq 5. The Intimate Architecture of Academic Stories: the politics of Political Science Paulo Ravecca 6. The Banality of Survival Aida A. Hozić 7. Letters to Yvonne: words and/as worlds Sam Okoth Opondo 8. Your East Africa, My Pacific Northwest: a commercial view of Tanzania from an unfamiliar vantage Donnell Alexander 9. Loss of a Loss: Ground Zero, Spring 2014 Jenny Edkins 10. Contradictions, Nicholas Onuf 11. ‘Was will das Weib?’: from scholar-activism to film-making Ruth Halaj Reitan 12. What Might Still Sputter Forth Kevin C. Dunn 13. AUTO/BIO/GRAPH Paul Kirby 14. The Smell of Wood: Recuperating loss in a country of forgetting Charmaine Chua 15. Immobility, Intimacy, Movement: translating death, life, and border-crossings Richa Nagar 16. Suicide, the Only Political Act Worthy of the Name Dan Öberg 17. Dancing Modernity: an epilogue Cory Brown
Naeem Inayatullah is Professor at Ithaca College, USA.
Elizabeth Dauphinee is Professor at York University, Canada.