Introduction 1Part 1: Starting with Factor Investing Basics 5Chapter 1: Counting on Factor Investing 7Chapter 2: Why Use Factors? 15Chapter 3: Knowing Which Factors Are Worth Your Time 25Chapter 4: Beating the Market without Timing It 33Part 2: Going Deep with Factor Strategies 41Chapter 5: Making Room for the Growth Factor 43Chapter 6: Value Investing with Factors 51Chapter 7: Banking on Momentum with Winners and Losers 59Chapter 8: Sizing Up a Stock's Size 71Chapter 9: Dividend Income Using Factors 79Part 3: Using Factor Investing in Your Portfolio 89Chapter 10: Using Brokerage Orders with Factor Investing 91Chapter 11: Using Macro Factors 101Chapter 12: Combining Multiple Factors for a Powerhouse Portfolio 113Chapter 13: Going Global with Factor Investing 121Chapter 14: Performing Technical Analysis for Factor Investing 129Chapter 15: Using Stock-Screening Tools in Your Factor Investing 139Part 4: Applying More Complex Investment Tactics 149Chapter 16: Outsourcing with ETFs and Mutual Funds 151Chapter 17: Bonds and Factor Investing 161Chapter 18: Using Options with Factor Investing 173Chapter 19: Watching the Factors that Lead to Major Market Moves 183Chapter 20: Considering Taxes 191Part 5: The Part of Tens 207Chapter 21: Ten Do-It-Yourself Factors 209Chapter 22: Ten Ways to Mess Up Your Investment Plan 215Chapter 23: Ten Non-Factor Strategies and Considerations 223Chapter 24: Ten Financial Problems You Can Navigate with Factor Investing 229Part 6: Appendixes 239Appendix A: Resources for Factor Investors 241Appendix B: Factor-Based ETFs 253Index 269
James Maendel, BFA, AAMS, AIF, DACFP, founded Maendel Wealth, an investment advisory firm. He has won the Five Star Wealth Management award for multiple years. Paul Mladjenovic is a national speaker, educator, author of Stock Investing For Dummies, Currency Trading For Dummies and other Dummies titles and runs