Introduction 1Part 1: Getting Started with Everything Grants 5Chapter 1: Grantwriting Basics for Beginners 7Chapter 2: Preparing for Successful Grantseeking 23Chapter 3: Understanding Grantmaking Entities Expectations 41Part 2: Researching Grantfunding Opportunities 55Chapter 4: Venturing into Public-Sector Grants 57Chapter 5: Navigating the Federal Grant Submission Portals 71Chapter 6: Researching Potential Private-Sector Funders 83Chapter 7: Finding Legitimate Grants for Individuals and Businesses 97Chapter 8: Finding Grants for Academia and Fellowships 107Chapter 9: Identifying Funds for Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) 115Part 3: Maximizing Your Chances of Winning a Grant Award 121Chapter 10: Finding Federal Grant Opportunities That Fit Your Needs 123Chapter 11: Winning with Peer Review Scoring Factors 139Chapter 12: Resuscitating Your Writing 155Part 4: Following the Funder's Guidelines 167Chapter 13: Preparing Preliminary Documents 169Chapter 14: Developing the Organizational History and Capability Boilerplate Narrative 183Chapter 15: Validating Your Needs with a Compelling Narrative 197Chapter 16: Incorporating Best Practices to Build the Program Design Narrative 209Chapter 17: Preparing Project Management Plans and Sustainability Narratives 231Chapter 18: Creating a Budget That Includes All the Funding You Need 247Part 5: Triple-Checking Your Application, Submitting, and Following Up 269Chapter 19: Checking Off the Mandatory Requirements for Compliance 271Chapter 20: Knowing What to Do after Submitting Your Application 287Chapter 21: Winning or Losing: What's Next? 297Chapter 22: Requesting Matching Funds and Other Goodies from Corporate Grantmakers 307Part 6: The Part of Tens 317Chapter 23: Ten e-Grant Tips 319Chapter 24: Ten Steps to Making Grant Writing Your Career 325Chapter 25: Ten Ways to Continue Being Viewed as a Grant Professional 331Index 335
Dr. Beverly A. Browning, MPA, DBA, is a grant writing superstar! Browning has worked as a consultant in this space for more than 40 years. She teaches online courses, publishes on grant writing, and manages a non-profit foundation. She is the author of all previous editions of Grant Writing For Dummies.