ISBN-13: 9781119805373 / Angielski / Twarda / 2022 / 880 str.
ISBN-13: 9781119805373 / Angielski / Twarda / 2022 / 880 str.
PrefaceChapter 1: Overview1.0 Introduction1.1 Understanding Project Management1.2 Defining Project Success1.3 Trade-Offs and Competing Constraints1.4 The Entry-Level Project Manager1.5 The Talent Triangle1.6 Technology-Based Projects1.7 The Project Manager-Line Manager Interface1.8 Defining the Project Manager's Role1.9 Defining the Functional Manager's Role1.10 Defining the Functional Employee's Role1.11 Defining the Executive's Role1.12 Working with Executives1.13 Committee Sponsorship/Governance1.14 The Project Manager as the Planning Agent1.15 Project Champions1.16 Project-Driven Versus Non-Project-Driven Organizations1.17 Marketing in the Project-Driven Organization1.18 Classification of Projects1.19 Location of the Project Manager1.20 Differing Views of Project Management1.21 Public-Sector Project Management1.22 International Project Management1.23 Concurrent Engineering: A Project Management Approach1.24 Added Value1.25 Studying Tips for the PMI(r) Project Management Certification ExamAnswersProblemsCase Study: Williams Machine Tool CompanyChapter 2: Project Management Growth: Concepts and Definitions2.0 Introduction2.1 The Evolution of Project Management: 1945-20212.2 Resistance to Change2.3 Systems, Programs, and Projects: A Definition2.4 Projects versus Operations2.5 Product versus Project Management: A Definition2.6 Maturity and Excellence: A Definition2.7 Informal Project Management: A Definition2.8 The Many Faces of Success2.9 The Many Faces of Failure2.10 Causes of Project Failure2.11 Degrees of Success and Failure2.12 Project Health Checks2.13 The Stage-Gate Process2.14 Project Life Cycles2.15 Gate Review Meetings (Project Closure)2.16 Engagement Project Management2.17 Project Management Methodologies: A Definition2.18 From Enterprise Project Management Methodologies to Frameworks2.19 Growth of Strategic Project Management2.20 Business Models2.21 Methodologies Can Fail2.22 Lean Project Management2.23 Organizational Change Management and Corporate Cultures2.24 Benefits Harvesting and Cultural Change2.25 Agile and Adaptive Project Management Cultures2.26 Project Management Intellectual Property2.27 Systems Thinking2.28 Studying Tips for the PMI(r) Project Management Certification ExamAnswersProblemsCase Study: Creating a MethodologyChapter 3: Organizational Structures3.0 Introduction3.1 Organizational Work Flow3.2 Traditional (Classical) Organization3.3 Pure Product (Projectized) Organization3.4 Matrix Organizational Form3.5 Modification of Matrix Structures3.6 The Strong, Weak, or Balanced Matrix3.7 Project Management Offices3.8 Selecting the Organizational Form3.9 Strategic Business Unit (SBU) Project Management3.10 Transitional Management3.11 Seven Fallacies That Delay Project Management Maturity3.12 Studying Tips for the PMI(r) Project Management Certification ExamAnswersProblemsChapter 4: Organizing and Staffing the Project Office and Team4.0 Introduction4.1 The Staffing Environment4.2 Selecting the Project Manager: An Executive Decision4.3 Skill Requirements for Project and Program Managers4.4 Special Cases in Project Manager Selection4.5 Today's Project Managers4.6 Duties and Job Descriptions4.7 The Organizational Staffing Process4.8 The Project Office4.9 The Functional Team4.10 The Project Organizational Chart4.11 Selecting the Project Management Implementation Team4.12 Mistakes Made by Inexperienced Project Managers4.13 Studying Tips for the PMI(r)Project Management Certification ExamAnswersProblemsChapter 5: Management Functions5.0 Introduction5.1 Controlling5.2 Directing5.3 Project Authority5.4 Interpersonal Influences5.5 Barriers to Project Team Development5.6 Suggestions for Handling the Newly Formed Team5.7 Team Building as an Ongoing Process5.8 Leadership in a Project Environment5.9 Value-Based Project Leadership5.10 Transformational Project Management Leadership5.11 Organizational Impact5.12 Employee-Manager Problems5.13 General Management Pitfalls5.14 Time Management Pitfalls5.15 Management Policies and Procedures5.16 Human Behavior Education5.17 Studying Tips for the PMI(r) Project Management Certification ExamAnswersProblemsCase Study: The Trophy ProjectCase Study: McRoy AerospaceCase Study: The Poor WorkerCase Study: The Prima DonnaCase Study: The Reluctant WorkersCase Study: Leadership Effectiveness (A)Case Study: Leadership Effectiveness (B)Chapter 6: Communications Management6.0 Introduction6.1 Modeling the Communications Environment6.2 The Project Manager as a Communicator6.3 Project Review Meetings6.4 Project Management Bottlenecks6.5 Active Listening6.6 Communication Traps6.7 Project Problem Solving6.8 Using Action Items6.9 Brainstorming6.10 Predicting the Outcome of a Decision6.11 Facilitation6.12 Studying Tips for the PMI(r) Project Management Certification ExamAnswersProblemsCase Study: Communication FailuresCase Study: The Team MeetingChapter 7: Conflicts7.0 Introduction7.1 The Conflict Environment7.2 Types of Conflicts7.3 Conflict Resolution7.4 The Management of Conflicts7.5 Conflict Resolution Modes7.6 Understanding Superior, Subordinate, and Functional Conflicts7.7 Studying Tips for the PMI(r) Project Management Certification ExamProblemsCase Study: Facilities Scheduling at Mayer ManufacturingCase Study: Telestar InternationalCase Study: Handling Conflict in Project ManagementChapter 8: Special Topics8.0 Introduction8.1 Performance Measurement8.2 Financial Compensation and Rewards8.3 Effective Project Management in the Small Business Organization8.4 Mega Projects8.5 Morality, Ethics, and the Corporate Culture8.6 Professional Responsibilities8.7 Internal and External Partnerships8.8 Training and Education8.9 Integrated Product/Project Teams8.10 Virtual Project Teams8.11 Managing Innovation Projects8.12 Agile Project Management8.13 Artificial Intelligence8.14 Studying Tips for the PMI(r) Project Management Certification ExamAnswersProblemsCase Study: Is It Fraud?Chapter 9: The Variables for Success9.0 Introduction9.1 Predicting Project Success9.2 Project Management Effectiveness9.3 Expectations9.4 Lessons Learned9.5 Understanding Best Practices9.6 Downside Risks of Best Practices9.7 Studying Tips for the PMI(r) Project Management Certification ExamAnswersProblemsCase Study: Radiance InternationalChapter 10: Working with Executives10.0 Introduction10.1 The Project Sponsor10.2 Handling Disagreements with the Sponsor10.3 The Collective Belief10.4 The Exit Champion10.5 The In-House Representatives10.6 Stakeholder Relations Management10.7 Project Portfolio Management10.8 Politics10.9 Studying Tips for the PMI(r) Project Management Certification ExamAnswersProblemsCase Study: The Prioritization of ProjectsCase Study: The Irresponsible SponsorsCase Study: Selling Executives on Project ManagementChapter 11: Planning11.0 Introduction11.1 Business Case11.2 Validating the Assumptions11.3 Validating the Objectives11.4 General Planning11.5 Life-Cycle Phases11.6 Life-Cycle Milestones11.7 Kickoff Meetings11.8 Understanding Participants' Roles11.9 Establishing Project Objectives11.10 The Statement of Work11.11 Project Specifications11.12 Data Item Milestone Schedules11.13 Work Breakdown Structure11.14 WBS Decomposition Problems11.15 Work Breakdown Structure Dictionary11.16 Project Selection11.17 Role of the Executive in Planning11.18 Management Cost and Control System11.19 Work Planning Authorization11.20 Why Do Plans Fail?11.21 Stopping Projects11.22 Handling Project Phaseouts and Transfers11.23 Detailed Schedules and Charts11.24 Master Production Scheduling11.25 Project Plan11.26 The Project Charter11.27 Project Baselines11.28 Verification and Validation11.29 Management Control11.30 Configuration Management11.31 Enterprise Project Management Methodologies11.32 Project Audits11.33 Studying Tips for the PMI(r) Project Management Certification ExamAnswersProblemsChapter 12: Network Scheduling Techniques12.0 Introduction12.1 Network Fundamentals12.2 Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique (GERT)12.3 Dependencies12.4 Slack Time12.5 Network Replanning12.6 Estimating Activity Time12.7 Estimating Total Project Time12.8 Total Pert/CPM Planning12.9 Crash Times12.10 PERT/CPM Problem Areas12.11 Alternative PERT/CPM Models12.12 Precedence Networks12.13 Lag12.14 Scheduling Problems12.15 The Myths of Schedule Compression12.16 Project Management Software12.17 Studying Tips for the PMI(r) Project Management Certification ExamAnswersProblemsCase Study: The Invisible SponsorChapter 13: Pricing and Estimating13.0 Introduction13.1 Global Pricing Strategies13.2 Types of Estimates13.3 Pricing Process13.4 Organizational Input Requirements13.5 Labor Distributions13.6 Overhead Rates13.7 Materials/Support Costs13.8 Pricing out the Work13.9 Smoothing Out Department Man-Hours13.10 The Pricing Review Procedure13.11 Systems Pricing13.12 Developing the Supporting/Backup Costs13.13 The Low-Bidder Dilemma13.14 Special Problems13.15 Estimating Pitfalls13.16 Estimating High-Risk Projects13.17 Project Risks13.18 The Disaster of Applying the 10 Percent Solution to Project Estimates13.19 Life-Cycle Costing (LCC)13.20 Logistics Support13.21 Economic Project Selection Criteria: Capital Budgeting13.22 Payback Period13.23 The Time Value of Money and Discounted Cash Flow (DCF)13.24 Net Present Value (NPV)13.25 Internal Rate of Return (IRR)13.26 Comparing IRR, NPV, and Payback13.27 Risk Analysis13.28 Capital Rationing13.29 Project Financing13.30 Studying Tips for the PMI(r) Project Management Certification ExamAnswersProblemsCase Study: The Estimating ProblemChapter 14: Cost Control14.0 Introduction14.1 Understanding Control14.2 The Operating Cycle14.3 Cost Account Codes14.4 Budgets14.5 The Earned Value Measurement System (EVMS)14.6 Variance and Earned Value14.7 The Cost Baseline14.8 Justifying the Costs14.9 The Cost Overrun Dilemma14.10 Recording Material Costs Using Earned Value Measurement14.11 Material Variances: Price and Usage14.12 Summary Variances14.13 Status Reporting14.14 Cost Control Problems14.15 Studying Tips for the PMI(r) Project Management Certification ExamAnswersProblemsCase Study: The Bathtub PeriodCase Study: Franklin ElectronicsChapter 15: Metrics15.0 Introduction15.1 Project Management Information Systems15.2 Enterprise Resource Planning15.3 Project Metrics15.4 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)15.5 Growth of New Metrics and KPIs15.6 Value-Based Metrics15.7 Strategic Metrics15.8 Metrics for Measuring Intangible Assets15.9 Dashboards and Scorecards15.10 Metrics Feedback15.11 Metrics and Customer Relations Management15.12 Business Intelligence15.13 Studying Tips for the PMI(r)Project Management Certification ExamAnswersProblemsChapter 16: Trade-off Analysis in a Project Environment16.0 Introduction16.1 Methodology for Trade-Off Analysis16.2 Contracts: Their Influence on Projects16.3 Industry Trade-Off Preferences16.4 Project Manager's Control of Trade-Offs16.5 Studying Tips for the PMI(r) Project Management Certification ExamAnswersProblemsChapter 17: Risk Management17.0 Introduction17.1 Definition of Risk17.2 Tolerance for Risk17.3 Definition of Risk Management17.4 Certainty, Risk, and Uncertainty17.5 Risk Management Process17.6 Plan Risk Management17.7 Risk Identification17.8 Risk Analysis17.9 Qualitative Risk Analysis17.10 Quantitative Risk Analysis17.11 Plan Risk Response17.12 Monitor and Control Risks17.13 Some Implementation Considerations17.14 The Use of Lessons Learned17.15 Dependencies between Risks17.16 The Impact of Risk Handling Measures17.17 Risk and Concurrent Engineering17.18 Studying Tips for the PMI(r) Project Management Certification ExamAnswersProblemsCase Study: Teloxy Engineering (A)Case Study: Teloxy Engineering (B)Case Study: The Risk Management DepartmentChapter 18: Learning Curves18.0 Introduction18.1 General Theory18.2 The Learning Curve Concept18.3 Graphic Representation18.4 Key Words Associated with Learning Curves18.5 The Cumulative Average Curve18.6 Sources of Experience18.7 Developing Slope Measures18.8 Unit Costs and Use of Midpoints18.9 Selection of Learning Curves18.10 Follow-on Orders18.11 Manufacturing Breaks18.12 Learning Curve Limitations18.13 Competitive Weapon18.14 Studying Tips for the PMI(r) Project Management Certification ExamAnswersProblemsChapter 19: Contract Management19.0 Introduction19.1 Procurement19.2 Plan Procurements19.3 Conducting the Procurements19.4 Conduct Procurements: Request Seller Responses19.5 Conduct Procurements: Select Sellers19.6 Types of Contracts19.7 Incentive Contracts19.8 Contract Type versus Risk19.9 Contract Administration19.10 Contract Closure19.11 Using a Checklist19.12 Proposal-Contractual Interaction19.13 Studying Tips for the PMI(r) Project Management Certification ExamAnswersProblemsCase Study: To Bid or Not to BidCase Study: The Management ReserveChapter 20: Quality Management20.0 Introduction20.1 Definition of Quality20.2 The Quality Movement20.3 Quality Management Concepts20.4 The Cost of Quality20.5 The Seven Quality Control Tools20.6 Acceptance Sampling20.7 Implementing Six Sigma20.8 Quality Leadership20.9 Responsibility for Quality20.10 Quality Circles20.11 Total Quality Management (TQM)20.12 Studying Tips for the PMI(r)Project Management Certification ExamAnswersProblemsChapter 21: Modern Developments in Project Management21.0 Introduction21.1 The Project Management Maturity Model (PMMM)21.2 Developing Effective Procedural Documentation21.3 Project Management Methodologies21.4 Continuous Improvement21.5 Capacity Planning21.6 Competency Models21.7 Managing Multiple Projects21.8 The Business of Scope Changes21.9 End-of-Phase Review MeetingsCase Study: Honicker CorporationCase Study: Kemko ManufacturingAppendix A: Solution to Leadership ExerciseAppendix B: Solutions to the Project Management Conflict ExerciseAppendix C: Dorale Products Case StudiesAppendix D: Solutions to the Dorale Products Case StudiesAppendix E: Alignment of the PMBOK(r) Guide, 6e to the TextAppendix F: Alignment of the PMBOK(r) Guide, 7e to the TextIndex
Harold Kerzner, is Senior Executive Director for Project Management for the International Institute for Learning (IIL). He taught project management at Baldwin-Wallace University for 38 years, and he has published over 60 textbooks on project management. His success and impact on the industry led IIL and the Project Management Institute (PMI) to establish the Kerzner International Project Manager of the Year Award as well as the annual Dr. Harold Kerzner Scholarship fund.
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