Preface...ix1 Building Codes...12 Navigating the Code...113 Occupancy Classification and Use...214 Special Detailed Requirements Based on Occupancy and Use...355 Building Heights and Areas...596 Types of Construction...1137 Fire-Resistive Construction...1378 Interior Finishes...1899 Fire-Protection Systems...19710 Means of Egress...22511 Accessibility...28712 Interior Environment...31713 Energy Efficiency (International Energy Conservation Code)...33314 Exterior Walls...33515 Roof Assemblies and Rooftop Structures...35516 Structural Provisions...38117 Special Inspections and Tests...40318 Soils and Foundations...41319 Building Materials and Systems...42520 Plumbing Systems...47921 Elevators and Conveying Systems...48522 Special Construction...49123 Existing Buildings (International Existing Building Code)...497Bibliography...501Index...503
FRANCIS D.K. CHING is a leading global authority on architectural illustration. His numerous bestselling works have been translated into 20 languages and are regarded as classics for their renowned graphic presentation. He is Professor Emeritus at the University of Washington in Seattle.STEVEN R. WINKEL FAIA, PE, CASP is a registered architect, civil engineer and landscape architect and is a California Certified Access Specialist. He manages the San Francisco Bay Area office of The Preview Group, Inc.. He was the Architect Member of the California Building Standards Commission for eighteen years and served on the Board of Directors of the National Institute of Building Sciences.