Chapter 1: Falling Short 1Chapter 2: The Sticks 13Chapter 3: Believe 27Chapter 4: Ownership 33Chapter 5: Connection 45Chapter 6: Love 63Chapter 7: Inclusion 69Chapter 8: Consistency and Hope 81Chapter 9: Unbreakable 89Chapter 10: Stick Together 95Resources to Stick Together 105About the Authors 107About the Illustrator 109Other Books by Jon Gordon 111
JON GORDON has inspired millions of readers around the world. He is the author of 24 books, including five chldren's books and ten bestsellers: The Energy Bus, The Carpenter, Training Camp, You Win in the Locker Room First, The Power of Positive Leadership, The Power of a Positive Team, The Coffee Bean, Stay Positive, The Garden, and Relationship Grit. He is passionate about developing positive leaders, organizations, and teams.KATE LEAVELL is a dynamic keynote speaker, facilitator, and author of Confessions of an Imperfect Coach. She is a former NCAA coach and corporate sales consultant who now delivers keynotes and workshops to many of the top companies and college sports teams in the country. She is passionate about teaching strategies that turn a powerful vision into reality, while unifying teammates around their shared purpose and mission.