Preface xiAbout the Companion Website xiii1 The Basics: What You Need to Know 1Doppler Principles as They Apply to Accuracy and Quality of the Exam 1Doppler shift 1Types of Doppler 2Advantages and disadvantages of each type of Doppler 4The spectral display 4The color display 6Nyquist limit and aliasing 8Accuracy of spectral flow information 12Optimizing Doppler Displays 14Color flow 14Spectral Doppler 19Laminar and Turbulent Flow 21Normal laminar flow 21Turbulent flow 21Causes of spectral broadening 222 The Doppler Examination 23Spectral Doppler 23Normal spectral flows in the heart 23Mitral valve 23Aorta and LVOT 26Pulmonary artery and RVOT 27Left ventricular isovolumic relaxation time (IVRT) 31Pulmonary venous flow 32Left auricular flow 32Color Flow Doppler 37Normal color flow in the heart 37Mitral valve 37Aorta 38Pulmonary artery 43Tricuspid valve 473 Applications 55Pressure Gradients (PGs) 55PG meaning 55Normal pressures in the heart and vessels 55Bernoulli equation 55Modified equation 55How can blood flow when pressures in the ventricles and great vessels are the same? 57Factors Affecting Flow Velocities 57Volume 57Narrowed pathway 57Pressure 57Limitations of the simplified Bernoulli equation 59Common Applications of PG in Acquired Heart Disease 59Using mitral regurgitation 59Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 62Pulmonary hypertension 63Diastolic Function and Doppler 66Definitions 66Classes of diastolic dysfunction 66Overview of diastolic function 724 Doppler Features in Common Acquired Cardiac Diseases 77Chronic Valve Disease 772D and M-mode features 77Color flow evaluation 77Spectral Doppler 80Dilated Cardiomyopathy 822D and M-mode features 82Color flow evaluation 84Spectral Doppler 84Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy 842D and M-mode features 84Color flow evaluation 85Spectral Doppler 87Diastolic function 88Dynamic Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction (DRVOTO) 882D and M-mode features 88Color flow evaluation 90Spectral Doppler 90Nonspecific Cardiomyopathy 902D and M-mode features 90These result in diminishing systolic function 90Color flow evaluation 90Spectral Doppler 91Pulmonary Hypertension 922D and M-mode features 92Color flow evaluation 93Spectral Doppler 93Appendix 1 Spectral Doppler Reference Ranges for the Dog and Cat 99Appendix 2 Abbreviations 103Recommended Reading 105Index 107
The AuthorJune A. Boon, MS, is an Instructor and Echocardiographer at the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.The Rapid Reference seriesBooks in the Rapid Reference series are ideal quick references, using a concise, practical approach to provide small animal practitioners with fast access to essential information. Designed to be used at a patient???s side, these books make it easy to quickly diagnose and treat patients. With a spiral binding to lie flat, Rapid Reference books are an indispensable tool for the exam room.