Foreword xiiiPreface xviiChapter One Introduction 1The Next Generation 2Our Approach 3A Deeper Motivation 5The Boulder Thesis 7Startup Communities are Complex Adaptive Systems 8Where We Were in 2012 10Where We are Now in 2020 12Using Complexity Theory to Explain Startup Communities 14Evolving the Boulder Thesis to the Startup Community Way 17Part I Introduction to Startup Communities 21Chapter Two Why Startup Communities Exist 23What Entrepreneurs Do 23The External Environment 25Networks over Hierarchies 27Networks of Trust 29Density and Agglomeration 33Quality of Place 35Chapter Three The Actors 41Leaders, Feeders, and Instigators 42Actors 45Chapter Four The Factors 59The Seven Capitals 60Factors 62Chapter Five Startup Communitiesversus Entrepreneurial Ecosystems 75Entrepreneurial Ecosystems 77Alignment of Actors 78Different, but Mutually Reinforcing, Purpose 80Systems within Systems 81Entrepreneurial Success 84Community/Ecosystem Fit 85Part II Startup Communities as Complex Systems 93Chapter Six Putting the System Back into Ecosystem 95Introduction to Systems 96The Whole System 97Simple, Complicated, and Complex Activities 103Moving from Activities to Systems 107Chapter Seven Unpredictable Creativity 115Emergence 117Synergies and Nonlinearity 118Self-Organization 120Dynamism 121The Study of Interactions 125Chapter Eight The Myth of Quantity 133More of Everything 134Outliers, Not Averages 136Entrepreneurial Recycling 138Leaders as Supernodes 140Chapter Nine The Illusion of Control 151Not Controllable 152Not Fully Knowable 154Feedbacks and Contagion 156Getting Unstuck 158Letting Go 160Chapter Ten The Absence of a Blueprint 165Initial Conditions and Basins of Attraction 168The Narrative Fallacy 170Building on Strengths and Learning from Failures 172Cultivating Topophilia 174Chapter Eleven The Measurement Trap 183The Fundamental Measurement Problem 184Actor and Factor Models: A Categorical Approach 186Standardized Metrics Models: A Comparative Approach 188Network Models: A Relational Approach 190Dynamic Models: An Evolutionary Approach 192Cultural-Social Models: A Behavioral Approach 194Logic Models: A Causal Approach 195Agent-Based Models: A Simulation Approach 198Applying the Different Models 199Part III From the Boulder Thesis to the Startup Community Way 207Chapter Twelve Simplifying Complexity 209The Boulder Thesis 210The Rainforest 212Applying Systems Thinking 214Looking Deeply 216Leverage Points 219Chapter Thirteen Leadership is Key 231Be a Mentor 234Entrepreneurs as Role Models 235Key Leadership Characteristics 237Chapter Fourteen Think in Generations 243Progress is Uneven and Often Feels Slow 245The Endless Long-Term Game 247Chapter Fifteen Diversity is a Feature, Not a Bug 255Cultivate Diversity 256Embracing Diversity 259Think Broadly about Entrepreneurship 260Chapter Sixteen Be Active, Not Passive 267Self-Similarity and Replication 268Don't Wait or Ask Permission 269Play a Positive-Sum Game 270Continuously and Actively Engage 275Part IV Conclusion 281Chapter Seventeen Conclusion 283Reflections 283Summary of the Book 285Final Thoughts 291About the Authors 295Acknowledgments 297Notes 301Index 325
BRAD FELD has been an early-stage investor and entrepreneur for over 30 years. He is currently a partner at Foundry Group and is a co-founder of Techstars. In addition to his investing efforts, Brad runs the Anchor Point Foundation with his wife Amy Batchelor. Brad is a nationally recognized speaker on the topics of venture capital investing and entrepreneurship.IAN HATHAWAY is an analyst, strategist, and writer. He has been an advisor and executive for leaders in technology, media, and finance on a range of innovation, strategy, and policy initiatives. He is a leading thinker and writer in the areas of entrepreneurship, innovation, cities, and the economy. Ian also advises and invests in startups in the United States and Europe.
Feld, Brad Brad Feld has been an early-stage investor and ent... więcej >