Introduction 1Part 1: Introducing Fitbit 5Chapter 1: Understanding Health and Fitness Tracking 7Chapter 2: Choosing a Fitbit 27Chapter 3: Getting Started 41Chapter 4: Getting Social 69Part 2: Tracking Your Health and Fitness 95Chapter 5: Tracking Your Daily Activity Levels 97Chapter 6: Tracking Your Sleep Patterns 125Chapter 7: Watching Your Heart Rate 149Chapter 8: Keeping an Eye on Your Body Composition 163Part 3: Using Fitbit to Meet Your Goals 183Chapter 9: Getting Fit 185Chapter 10: Losing Weight 213Chapter 11: Developing Healthier Habits 231Part 4: The Part of Tens 247Chapter 12: Ten Troubleshooting Techniques 249Chapter 13: Ten Ways to Improve Privacy and Security 265Chapter 14: Ten Ways to Connect to Third Parties 281Glossary 301Index 305
Paul McFedries is a lifelong runner, hiker, fitness nut, and self-tracker with a downright ridiculous collection of Fitbits, GPS watches, heart-rate monitors, fitness apps, and other health-related tracking gear. Paul has written nearly 100 books that have sold more than four million copies throughout the solar system.