Foreword xvIntroduction: A Coach's Journey xviiPart I The Realities of Being a Great Coach 11 Why Every Leader and Manager Should Be a Great Coach 32 The Simpson 3Ds Coaching Model: The "How to" of Coaching 133 Coaching from the Inside-Out 294 Coaching with a Mindset of Abundance 455 Coaching with Authenticity 63Part II Coaching the Individual and Teams 796 Knowing When to Coach 817 Setting Priorities 898 Asking the Right Questions 979 GROWing by Setting SMART Goals 10910 Listening with Empathy 12111 Coaching and Feedback 13112 Coaching for Engagement 14913 Coaching for Contribution 16714 Coaching the Whole-Person 183Part III Coaching the Organization 20515 Coaching the 7 Core Factors for Organizational Change 20716 Coaching Across the Globe 22117 Putting It All Together 235Acknowledgments 253About the Author 255Index 257
MICHAEL K. SIMPSON is the Global Managing Director of Executive Coaching and on faculty for over two decades as a Senior Consultant, Keynote Speaker, and Executive Coach at FranklinCovey. He is the CEO of Simpson Executive Coaching and CEO of Impact International Education in China. Michael is a certified executive coach and partner with Columbia University's Executive Coaching Certification Program and Columbia Coaching Learning Association. He is a fellow and thought leader with Harvard University's Institute of Coaching (IOC) in partnership with McLean Hospital and Harvard Medical School.Contact Michael K. Simpson at