Acknowledgements ixPreface xiGlossary xiiiAbbreviations xiv1 Introduction 12 Introduction to dermatological therapeutics 10Part 1: Infections and Infestations 213 Viral infections 234 Bacterial infections and sexually transmitted bacterial diseases 455 Mycobacterial infections 866 HIV and the skin 987 Fungal infections 1068 Parasitic diseases 1249 Arthropods stings and bites 137Part 2: Inflammatory Dermatoses 15310 Psoriasis 15511 Pityriasis rubra pilaris 17512 Lichen planus and lichenoid disorders 18013 Graft-versus-host disease 19214 Eczematous disorders 19915 Seborrhoeic dermatitis 22216 Atopic eczema 22617 Urticaria 23618 Mastocytosis 25019 Reactive inflammatory erythemas 25420 Behcet disease 26221 Neutrophilic dermatoses 26722 Immunobullous diseases 27623 Lupus erythematosus 30024 Dermatomyositis 31825 Sclerosis and morphoea 325Part 3: Metabolic and Nutritional Disorders Affecting the Skin 34326 Cutaneous amyloidoses 34527 Cutaneous mucinoses 35128 Porphyrias 35529 Nutritional disorders affecting the skin 363Part 4: Genetic Disorders Involving the Skin 37330 Inherited disorders of epidermal keratinisation 37531 Acquired and inherited hair disorders 38832 Acquired and inherited disorders of pigmentation 41133 Epidermolysis bullosa 42734 Genetic disorders of collagen elastin and dermal matrix 43635 Disorders affecting cutaneous vasculature 44536 Congenital naevi 45037 DNA repair disorders with cutaneous features 45938 Hamartoneoplastic syndromes 46439 Inherited metabolic disorders 470Part 5: Psychological and Neurological Disorders and the Skin 47540 Pruritus and prurigo 47741 Mucocutaneous pain syndromes 48242 Psychodermatology 486Part 6: Skin Disorders Associated with Specific Cutaneous Structure 49343 Acquired disorders of epidermal keratinisation 49544 Acne 50345 Rosacea flushing and blushing 52246 Hidradenitis suppurativa 53647 Disorders of the sweat glands 54048 Acquired and inherited nail disorders 54549 Acquired disorders of dermal connective tissue 56250 Sarcoidosis and granulomatous skin disorders 57651 Panniculitis 58452 Lipodystrophies and other acquired disorders of subcutaneous fat 596Part 7: Vascular Disorders Involving the Skin 60553 Purpura 60754 Vasculitis 61355 Dermatoses resulting from disorders of the arteries and veins 62756 Ulceration resulting from disorders of the veins and arteries 63757 Disorders of the lymphatic vessels 642Part 8: Skin Disorders Associated with Specific Sites Sex and Age 65758 Dermatoses of the external ear 65959 Disorders of the lips and mouth 66260 Dermatoses of the eye and eyelids 68461 Dermatoses of anogenital skin 69362 Dermatoses occurring in pregnancy 71463 Dermatoses of neonates 71964 Dermatoses of infants 72965 Infantile and congenital haemangiomas 743Part 9: Skin Disorders Caused by External Agents 74966 Cutaneous adverse reactions to drugs and radiotherapy 75167 Dermatoses caused by cold and heat 76968 Photodermatoses 77569 Contact dermatitis 784Part 10 Neoplastic Proliferative and Infiltrative Disorders Affecting the Skin 79570 Benign melanocytic proliferations and melanocytic naevi 79771 Benign keratinocytic acanthomas and proliferations 82172 Cutaneous cysts 82673 Lymphocytic infiltrates 82974 Cutaneous histiocytoses 83575 Soft-tissue tumours and tumour-like conditions 84476 Tumours of skin appendages 85777 Kaposi sarcoma 86978 Cutaneous lymphomas 87279 Basal cell carcinoma 89080 Squamous cell carcinoma its precursors and skin cancer in the immunocompromised patient 90181 Melanoma 91782 Dermoscopy of melanoma and naevi 93083 Merkel cell carcinoma 94184 Cutaneous markers of internal malignancy 944Part 11: Systemic Disease and the Skin 95585 The skin and systemic diseases 95786 Acute dermatoses 97587 Differential diagnosis 98188 Drugs in dermatology 990Index 1006
EDITED BYProfessor Christopher E. M. Griffiths, OBE, MD, FMedSci, Foundation Professor of Dermatology, The Dermatology Centre, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.Dr. Tanya O. Bleiker, FRCP, Consultant Dermatologist, Department of Dermatology, University Hospitals of Derby and Burton, Derby, UK.Dr. Daniel Creamer, MD, FRCP, Consultant Dermatologist, Department of Dermatology, King's College Hospital, London, UK.Dr. John R. Ingram, MA, MSc, DM(Oxon), FRCP(Derm), FAcadMEd, BJD Editor-in-Chief, Clinical Reader and Consultant Dermatologist, Division of Infection and Immunity, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.Dr. Rosalind C. Simpson, PhD, MRCP(Derm), Associate Professor and Consultant Dermatologist, Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.