The Social Psychology of the Great Recession and Social Class Divides.......... 5
Miquel Moya and Susan T. Fiske
The Experience of Low–SES Students in Higher Education: Psychological
Barriers to Success and Interventions to Reduce Social–Class
The Experience of Low–SES Students in Higher Education: Psychological
Barriers to Success and Interventions to Reduce Social–Class Inequality.......... 20
Mickael Jury, Annique Smeding, Nicole M. Stephens, Jessica E. Nelson, Cristina Aelenei, and Celine Darnon
Re–Establishing the Social–Class Order: Restorative Reactions against
High–Achieving, Low–SES Pupils............................................................ 39
Anatolia Batruch, Frederique Autin, and Fabrizio Butera
Fear of Falling : Economic Instability Enhances Collective Angst
among Societies Wealthy Class............................................................ 58
Jolanda Jetten, Frank Mols, Nikita Healy, and Russell Spears
Why Do People from Low–Status Groups Support Class Systems that
Disadvantage Them? A Test of Two Mainstream Explanations in
Malaysia and Australia........................................................................ 77
Chuma Kevin Owuamalam, Mark Rubin, Russell Spears, and Maas Misha ari Weerabangsa
IDEOLOGY, RECESSION, AND INCOME INEQUALITY Social Class and Ideologies of Inequality: How They Uphold......................... 96
Unequal Societies
Rosa Rodriguez–Bailon, Boyka Bratanova, Guillermo B. Willis, Lucia Lopez–Rodriguez, Ashley Sturrock, and Steve Loughnan
The Great Recession and Group–Based Control: Converting Personal
Helplessness into Social Class In–Group Trust and Collective Action............... 114
Immo Fritsche, Miguel Moya, Marcin Bukowski, Philipp Jugert, Soledad de Lemus, Oliver Decker, Inmaculada Valor–Segura, and Gines Navarro–Carrillo
Poor but Warm, Rich but Cold (and Competent): Social Classes in the
Stereotype Content Model................................................................... 135
Federica Durante, Courtney Bearns Tablante, and Susan T. Fiske
Cultural Expressions of Social Class and Their Implications for
Group–Related Beliefs and Behaviors..................................................... 155
Julia C. Becker, Michael W. Kraus, and Michelle Rheinschmidt–Same
Warmth–Competence Tradeoffs in Impression Management across Race
and Social–Class Divides.................................................................... 172
Jillian K. Swencionis, Cydney H. Dupree, and Susan T. Fiske
Perceptions of Low–Status Workers and the Maintenance of the
Social Class Status Quo.................................................................... 189
Chiara Volpato, Luca Andrighetto, and Cristina Baldissarri
In This Together: Doing and Undoing Inequality and Social Class Divides....... 208
Hazel Rose Markus