'rich and valuable' Conor McCarthy, Dublin Review of Books
Acknowledgements; Introduction Richard Bourke; Bibliographical Essay; Chronology of Events; Biographies; Note on the Texts; 1909: 1. Women, Ideals and the Nation Constance Markievicz; 1910: 2. From Labour in Irish history James Connolly; 1911: 3. From 'Pitt's Policy' Arthur Griffith; 4. From the Framework of Home Rule Erskine Childers; 1912: 5. 'Home Rule and the Colonial Analogy' L. S. Amery; 6. 'Settlement of an Old Controversy' Edward Carson; 7. Ulster's Solemn League and Covenant; 8. Ulster's Solemn League and Covenant (Women's Declaration); 9. 'The Economics of Nationalism' Thomas M. Kettle; 1913: 10. From A Fool's Paradise A.V. Dicey; 11. 'The North Began' Eoin MacNeill; 12. The Coming Revolution Patrick Pearse; 1914: 'Labour and the Proposed Partition of Ireland' James Connolly; 14. 'Our Duty in the Crisis' James Connolly; 15. 'A Continental Revolution' James Connolly; 16. 'Speech on the Suspensory Bill' John Redmond; 1915: 17. 'A War for Civilization' James Connolly; 18. From the Re-conquest of Ireland James Connolly; 19. 'O'Donovan Rossa: Graveside Panegyric' Patrick Pearse; 1916: 20. 'What is a Free Nation?' James Connolly; 21. Proclamation of the Republic: Poblacht na h Éireann; 22. The Sovereign People Patrick Pearse; 1917: 23. 'State of Ireland' Hanna Sheehy Skeffington; 24. A Defence of the Convention Horace Plunkett; 1918: 25. Ireland and a People's Peace Louie Bennett; 26. Loyalty and Disloyalty: What it Means in Ireland Alice Stopford Green; 27. Ourselves Alone in Ulster Alice Stopford Green; 1920: 28. 'Ulster the Facts of the Case' Robert Lynd; 1921: 29. Is Ireland a Danger to England? Erskine Childers; 30. 'Debate on Treaty' Arthur Griffith; 1922: 31. From Ulster's Stand for Union Ronald McNeill; Index.