'If you want to teach or learn about metamorphic petrology, I would go no further than Yardley and Warren's An Introduction to Metamorphic Petrology. Its rigorous foundation for the study of metamorphic rocks delivers on the three most important 'C's - concise, clear and comprehensive. Virtually everything I have wanted to teach my students about metamorphic rocks is here, from basic mineralogical principles to chemographics, thermodynamics and tectonic applications, while the illustrations and end-chapter exercises bring home the concepts. I'm excited to improve the education of my students with this text!' Matthew Kohn, Boise State University
1. The Concept of Metamorphism; 2. Chemical Equilibrium in Metamorphism; 3. The Pressure-Temperature Conditions of Metamorphism; 4. Metamorphism of Pelitic Rocks; 5. Metamorphism of Basic Igneous Rocks; 6. Metamorphism of Limestones – Marbles, Calc-Silicates and Skarns; 7. Mineral Growth and Textures in Metamorphic Rocks; 8. Metamorphism Linked to Deformation; 9. The Duration of Metamorphism; 10. Metamorphism and Tectonics.
Yardley, Bruce
Bruce Yardley is Emeritus Professor at the University of Leeds and previously taught at the Universities of Manchester and East Anglia and has spent sabbaticals at Otago, ETH Zurich and Wisconsin - Madison. He has worked on many aspects of metamorphic petrology and crustal fluid processes, and has served as Chair of the Metamorphic Studies Group (1991-3), Science Secretary of the Geological Society of London (2002-6), President of the European Association of Geochemistry (2005-6) and also President of the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland (2019-20). He has held a Harkness Fellowship, at the University of Washington (1974-76) and a Humboldt Prize at GFZ Potsdam (2009-11).
Warren, Clare
Clare Warren is a Senior Lecturer and metamorphic geologist and geochronologist at the Open University, UK and has worked extensively on metamorphic rocks that form in subduction and continental collision zones. She has published a number of widely-cited papers, and has served as Treasurer and Secretary of the UK Metamorphic Studies Group and on the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland Council. In 2020 she was the first recipient of the UK Metamorphic Studies Group's Barrow Award.