'This monograph by the famous topologist C. T. C. Wall is based on his mimeographed notes from the 1960s. These notes are amended and supplemented with some new material, but they retain the spirit of the time when dfferential topology was still new and there were no books on the subject. This makes for a comprehensive yet highly readable introduction to the subject which has the right balance of intuition and rigor and which does not shy away from explaining 'well-known' facts.' Nikolai N. Saveliev, Mathematical Reviews
Introduction; 1. Foundations; 2. Geometrical tools; 3. Differentiable group actions; 4. General position and transversality; 5. Theory of handle decompositions; 6. Immersions and embeddings; 7. Surgery; 8. Cobordism; Appendix A. Topology; Appendix B. Homotopy theory; References; Index of notation; Index.