'There's a lot in here but it is explained clearly with many outline algorithms and exercises … I'm sure it will become a standard reference in this area for some time because of the range of … techniques it describes and the care that has gone in to explaining them as clearly as possible given the technical nature of the subject.' Keith A. Benedict, Contemporary Physics
Part I. Monte Carlo Basics: 1. Introduction; 2. Monte Carlo basics; 3. Data analysis; 4. Monte Carlo for classical many-body problems; 5. Quantum Monte Carlo primer; Part II. Finite Temperature: 6. Finite-temperature quantum spin algorithms; 7. Determinant method; 8. Continuous-time impurity solvers; Part III. Zero Temperature: 9. Variational Monte Carlo; 10. Power methods; 11. Fermion ground state methods; 12. Analytic continuation; 13. Parallelization.