'This third edition of Applied Quantum Mechanics by A. F. J. Levi will be a great asset for students in physics, engineering, and materials science who seek a solid introduction to the practical aspect of quantum mechanics that will allow them to investigate the electrical and optical properties of nanoscale devices. The addition of the section on quantum information processing will also give the students a bird's-eye view of the rapidly growing field of quantum computing. Quantum engineering is an important breadth of knowledge that any engineer and scientist interested in the working of devices at the nanoscale must acquire, and this book offers a solid introduction to it.' Marc Cahay, University of Cincinnati
Preface; Note on MATLAB programs; 1. Toward quantum mechanics; 2. Using the Schrödinger wave equation; 3. Electron propagation; 4. Eigenstates and operators; 5. The harmonic oscillator; 6. Fermions and bosons; 7. Time-dependent perturbation; 8. The semiconductor laser; 9. Time-independent perturbation; 10. Angular momentum and the hydrogenic atom; 11. Toward quantum engineering; Appendices; Index.