ISBN-13: 9780863777578 / Angielski / Twarda / 2002 / 760 str.
ISBN-13: 9780863777578 / Angielski / Twarda / 2002 / 760 str.
Provides an invaluable resource for all professions that work with patients suffering from neurological disorders.
All doctors actively managing chronic disabling neurological disease should become familiar with this book. In many cases, it will also be a more useful first reference for therapists and nurses than a neurology or neurosurgery textbook. - Stephen G.B. Kirker, Cambridge University, in ACNR magazine
Section 1: Principles of Practice. Part A: Clinical Aspects. R. Langton Hewer, A. Tennant, Epidemiology of Disabling Neurological Disorders. C.D. Ward, S. McIntosh, The Rehabilitation Process: A Neurological Perspective. M.P. Barnes, Organisation of Neurological Rehabilitation Services. R. Ll. Wood, The Rehabilitation Team. C. Collin, Measurement of Disability and Handicap. M. Saunders, Ethical Implications of Disablement. Part B: Mechanisms of Recovery. A.J. Larner, M.V. Sofroniew, Mechanisms of Cellular Damage and Recovery. L.G. Cohen, M. Hallett, Neural Plasticity and Recovery of Function. S.B. Dunnett, Neural Tissue Transplantation. L.L. Pinnington, C.D. Ward, Learning and Skill Acquisition. T. Mulder, J. Hochstenbach, Motor Control and Learning: Implications for Neurological Rehabilitation. Section 2: Assessment and Treatment of Functional Deficits. Part A: Mobility. M.P. Barnes, Spasticity. R.J. Hardie, J. Rothwell, Tremor and Ataxia. S. Edwards, S. Mawson, R.J. Greenwood, Physical Therapies. G. Yarney, R.J. Greenwood, Physical Consequences of Neurological Disablement. G.R. Johnson, Biomechanics and Rehabilitation Engineering. N.C.M. Fyfe, E.J.W. McClemont, E. Panton, L. Sandles, Assistive Technology: Mobility Aids, Environmental Control Systems and Communication Aids. D. Rushton, Functional Neurostimulation in Rehabilitation. Part B: Other Physical Disability. D.M. Justins, M. Paes, P.H. Richardson, Pain Relief in Neurological Rehabilitation. C. Kennard, A. Pambakian, A.J. Wilkins, Special Senses. J.F. Hussain, C. Haslam, C.J. Fowler, Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction and its Management. B. Chandler, Sex and Relationships in Neurological Disability. R.S. Howard, Neurogenic Respiratory Failure. S. Wessely, D. El Kabir, T. Chalder, Chronic Fatigue. J. Whittaker, A. Dunnachie, The Assessment and Management of Neurogenic Swallowing Disorders. P.M. Enderby, Dysarthria. Part C: Cognitive Function. S. Byng, E.V. Jones, Therapy for the Language Impairment in Aphasia. B.A. Wilson, L. Clare, Rehabilitation of Memory Disorders. N. Alderman, P. Burgess, Assessment and Rehabilitation of the Dysexecutive Syndrome. I.H. Robertson, The Rehabilitation of Visuospatial, Visuoperceptual and Apraxic Disorders. Part D: Personality and Behaviour. L.H. Goldstein, Behaviour Problems. A. House, Psychiatric Aspects of Neurological Rehabilitation. H. Merskey, Psychosomatic Disorders. M. Oddy, Psychosocial Consequences of Brain Injury. Section 3: Specific Disorders. T.M. McMillan, R.J. Greenwood, Head Injury. D.T. Wade, Stroke Rehabilitation: The Evidence. P.J. Thompson, S.D. Shorvon, D. Heaney, The Epilepsies. B. Pentland, Parkinsonism and Dystonia. M.P. Barnes, Multiple Sclerosis. C.D. Ward, N.R. Dennis, Huntington's Disease. R.T. Woods, Rehabilitation in Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias. C. Murray-Leslie, P. Critchley, The Young Adult with Neurological Disabilities with Particular Reference to Cerebral Palsy and Spinal Bifida. E.A. Davies, C.R.A. Clark, Malignant Cerebral Gliomas: Rehabilitation and Care. J. Allibone, B. Taylor, F.R.I. Middleton, Spinal Injury. J.C. Chawla, D. Playford, Non-traumatic Myelopathy. P. Shaw, Motor Neurone Disease. R. Birch, Management of Brachial Plexus Injuries. M. Reilly, R.J. Greenwood, Disorders of the Peripheral Nerve. N. Davies, G. Cochrane, M. Hanna, Muscle Disorders. Index.
Richard J. Greenwood, Thomas M. McMillan, Michael P. Barnes, Christopher D. Ward
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