'James Pustejovsky and Olga Batiukova guide us through the complexities of the lexicon and lexical theories, offering a long-awaited comprehensive view of their different facets. A must-have compass for learning what we know about the lexicon and the challenges that still lie ahead.' Alessandro Lenci, Università di Pisa
Preface; Acknowledgments; Part I. The Lexicon in Linguistic Theory: 1. Introduction; 2. Lexicon and syntax; 3. Lexicon in syntactic frameworks; 4. Lexicon and semantics; 5. Lexicon in semantic frameworks; Part II. Lexical Structures: 6. The structure of a lexical entry; 7. Semantic typing and decomposition; 8. Argument structure; 9. Lexical aspect, tense, and modality; Part III. Lexicon as a System: 10. General architecture of the lexicon; 11. Compositionality in the mapping from the lexicon to syntax; Answers to selected exercises; Online resources; Glossary; References; Subject index; Name index.