The second edition of Top Tips in Urology provides highly clinical tips and rapid-reference "tricks of the trade" to the most common questions and problems that arise for both the practicing urologist and the urologic surgeon. Covering each of the major areas of urology and with contributions for experience practicing urologists and surgeons, this book is a unique book containing valuable information for all urologists dealing with patients on a day to day basis.
Part 1: Open Urology
1. A technique to minimize the risk of ureteric injury in patients with an enlarged median lobe undergoing radical prostatectomy
Nikhil Vasdev and David Chadwick
2. Novel methods to aid vesicourethral anastomosis in radical retropubic prostatectomy
Lehana Yeo, Rajindra Singh and Jhumur Pati
3. Surgical technique to reduced intra–operative bleeding during open prostatectomy
Nikhil Vasdev, Edgar Paez and Andrew C. Thorpe
4. Millin s prostatectomy
Rob Jones and Ru MacDonagh
5. Cystectomy
Patrick Keane
6. Salvage cystectomy and prostatectomy
Senthil Nathan
7. Creating an ileal conduit
Simon Fulford
8. Pre–fashioning an urostomy
Richard Bell
9. A novel technique for parastomal hernia repair
Jeetesh Bhardwa, Rob Gray and Hanif Motiwala
10. Parastomal hernia repair
Derek Fawcett
11. Nephrectomy: Vascular control during caval thrombectomy
Dan Wilby and Matt Hayes
12. Secure ligation of foreshortened large veins
Dan Wilby and Matt Hayes
13. How to avoid dislodging the vascular clamp
Asif Muneer
14. Ligating the renal artery
David Cranston
15. Renal surgery using ice sludge using innovative technique
Ruzi Begum and Hanif Motiwala
16. Making the best of a short suture length in a deep dark hole
John McLoughlin
17. Anterior approach for a pyeloplasty
John McLoughlin
18. Ureteric injuries lower third Adaptations of the Boari Flap
John Kelleher
19. Radical orchidectomy for germ cell tumours
David Hendry
20. Don t lose the lumen at urethroplasty
Andrew Doble
21. Emergency call to the gynae / obstetric theatre
John McLoughlin
22. Is it urine in the drain?
Christopher Woodhouse
23. Cutaneous fistula
Senthil Nathan
24. Post–operative abdominal drain
Senthil Nathan
Part 2: Laparoscopic and Robotic Urology
25. Modified Hassan technique in super–obese patients
Tev Aho
26. A modification to the Hassan technique for securing pneumoperitoneum
Ben Challacombe and Pardeep Kumar
27. Finger access is the safest
Richard Napier–Hemy
28. Keep it simple
Jon Cartledge
29. The Ten Commandments
Peter Rimmington
30. Controlling a small hole in the IVC
Richard Napier–Hemy
31. Remember Endoloops?
Richard Napier–Hemy
32. Tips in laparoscopic urology
Dominic Hodgson
33. Laparoscopic suturing
Alan McNeill
34. Laparoscopic suturing
Henry Sells
35. Laparoscopic suturing
Chris Eden
36. Cholangiogram catheters can help antegrade wire placement at the time of pyeloplasty
Richard Napier–Hemy
37. Laparoscopic nephrectomy: Introduction of balloon–tipped trocar (BTT) in obese patient
Damian Hambury
38. Laparoscopic nephrectomy: Closing the exit site in an obese patient
Damian Hambury
39. Laparoscopic nephrectomy: Port sites for left nephrectomy
Damian Hambury
40. Laparoscopic nephrectom
Peter W. Cooke
41. Laparoscopic nephrectomy
Toby Page
42. Laparoscopic Nephrectomy : Renal vein
Tony Riddick
43. Aiding dissection of the renal artery during a laparoscopic radical nephrectomy
Adam Jones
44. Robotic assisted laparoscopic pyeloplasty (RALP)
Prokar Dasgupta
45. Laparoscopic prostatectomy
Peter W. Cooke
46. Use of the Endo Close device for prostatic elevation during robotic assisted radical prostatectomy (RALP)
David Bouchier–Hayes
47. Additional points of note when performing prostate suspension during minimally invasive radical prostatectomy
Ben Challacombe
48. Robotic assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy
Senthil Nathan
49. A technique to relocate the robotic prostatectomy retrieval bag to the mid–line camera port
Muhammad Jamal Khan and Omer Karim
50. The rectal injury test
Ben Challacombe
51. Identifying potential breaches in the rectum during minimally invasive surgery
Justin Collins
52. The wrong plane
53. Spreading tough tissue with robotic forceps
Marc Laniado
54. Robotic assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy (RARP)
Prokar Dasgupta
55. Steps to free up robotic arm and assistant availability during robotic radical prostatectomy
Adam Jones
56. Use of Ethicon vicryl foil and robotic camera lights to warm the robotic scope lens to prevent lens fogging
M.J. Khan and Omer Karim
57. Management of anastomotic leak following radical prostatectomy
R. Begum and Omer Karim
58. Identification of ureters during minimally invasive radical cystectomy
Ben Challacombe
59. Maintaining pneumoperitoneum during minimally invasive female cystectomy
Ben Challacombe
60. Robotic assisted laparoscopic cystectomy (RARC)
Prokar Dasgupta
Part 3: Upper Tract Endourology
61. Puncturing the calyx in order to obtain access for percutaneous nephrolithotomy: The three finger rule
Gerald Rix
62. Prevention of migration of the Amplatz sheath during PCNL
Oliver Wiseman
63. PCNL
Sunil Kumar
64. PCNL
Aasem Chaudry
65. PCNL
Stephanie J. Symons
66. Encrusted nephrostomy tubes
James Hall
67. Reaching stones in the kidney during flexible ureterorenoscopy with a large renal pelvis
Gerald Rix
68. The advantages of using the Peditrol during flexible and rigid ureterorenoscopy
Sunil Kumar
69. Flexible renoscopy and stone fragmentation
Bo Parys
70. A novel technique to treat large mid or upper ureteric stones
Asif Raza and MJ Khan
71. Rigid Ureteroscopy
Matthew Bultitude
72. The Boston Shouldered Stent
Bo Parys
73. Ureteroscopy
Nimish Shah
74. The Pin Hole Scope part 1
Sunil Kumar and Peter Malone
75. Use of the dual lumen catheter
Oliver Wiseman
76. Flexible ureteroscopy
Stephen Gordon
77. Lasering stones
Senthil Nathan
78. Renal pelvic stones
Anthony Blacker
79. Difficult urethral stricture encountered at ureteroscopy
James Hall
80. General tips for a simpler and safer ureteroscopy
Sunil Kumar
81. Flexible ureteroscopy / retrograde study of the right collecting system post cystectomy
Senthil Nathan
82. Optimising the view for difficult stent insertion
John McLoughlin
83. A novel technique for stent change over an ileal–ureteric anastamosis
Rob Gray and Hanif Motiwala
84. Stents
Peter W. Cooke
85. Placing a stent in a female patient without having to re–load the cystoscope or performing a stent change in a female patient with a flexible cystoscope only
Gerald Rix
86. Paired JJ stents for retroperitoneal fibrosis
John McLoughlin
87. Four tips relating to ureteric stenting
Sunil Kumar
88. Insertion of Double J stent
Senthil Nathan
89. Basketing of stones
Senthil Nathan
90. Back loading guide wires
David Hendry
91. Insertion of a guidewire into the ureter
Senthil Nathan
92. A solution for stent–related bladder symptoms
Paul Halliday
Part 4: Lower Urinary Tract
93. HoLEP: Laser Technique
Tev Aho
94. HoLEP: Safe morcellation
Tev Aho
95. Holmium cystolitholapaxy
Sunil Kumar
96. Transurethral Resection of Prostate (TURP)
Nikesh Thiruchelvam
97. Transurethral Resection of Prostate (TURP)
Peter W. Cooke
98. Transurethral vapourisation of the prostate
Senthil Nathan
99. Use of catheter introducer
Derek Fawcett
100. An alternative way to pass a urethral catheter post Transurethral Resection of Prostate (TURP)
Ben Ayres and Gary Das
101. The 17F Integral Cystoscope
Graham Sole
102. Non Irrigating Resectoscope
Graham Sole
103. Urethral strictures
Anthony Blacker
104. Optimising the view for stent insertion
John McLoughlin
105. Assessment of paediatric urethral strictures
A.M. Peracha
106. The Pin Hole Scope part 2
Sunil Kumar and Peter Malone
107. How to remove air bubbles in the dome of the bladder
David Hendry
108. Resecting multiple bladder tumours
Senthil Nathan
109. Primary TURBT
Aasem Chaudry
110. Trawling for flat superficial bladder tumour
John McLoughlin
111. Resecting bladder tumours
Richard Bell
112. Never use an Ellick in a clot retention
Simon Bott
113. Displaced suprapubic catheter
Dan Wilby and Matt Hayes
Part 5: Andrology
114. Glans droop following the insertion of a penile prosthesis
Asif Muneer, Suks Minhas and Alex Kirkham
115. The key to a successful epididymectomy: The Bungee manoeuvre
John McLoughlin
116. Haemostasis for Nesbit s procedure
Suks Minhas
117. Nesbit s procedure
John McLoughlin
118. Tension free vasectomy reversal
Asif Muneer
119. Intracorporeal perforation during penile implantation
Suks Minhas
Part 6: Female Urology
120. Recurrent cystocele and rectocele repair using modified mesh: New Technique
Rob Gray and Hanif Motiwala
121. Eroded Transvaginal Tape
Rizwan Hamid
122. Mid–urethral tension free tapes
Neil Harris
123. Treatment of TVT mesh eroding the bladder
Georgina Wilson
Part 7: General
124. Circumcision
Andrew Doble
125. Dressing a circumcision
Simon Bott
126. Post circumcision dressing: The Gauze sporran
Andrew Doble
127. Difficult reduction of paraphimosis
Andrew Doble
128. Round bodied needles
Richard Bell
129. Bladder clots
Ling Lee
130. Performing a flexible cystoscopy for a bladder which is full of debris
Asif Muneer
131. Passing a urethra catheter across a stricture after a guide–wire is passed via the flexible cystoscope
Ling Lee
132. Inserting a catheter over a guidewire
Simon Bott
133. Cryoanalgesia for prostate biopsy.
Simon Robinson, and Hanif Motiwala
134. Pain relief in epididymo–orchitis
Andrew Doble
135. Hydrocele
Senthil Nathan
136. Epididymal cyst
Senthil Nathan
137. Shape of the male urethra
Simon Bott
138. Local anaesthetic injection through skin
Paul McInerney
139. Transrectal ultrasound
John McLoughlin
140. Modified transrectal biopsy of prostate
Ruzi Begum, Rob Gray and Hanif Motiwala
141. Transperineal biopsy probe set up
142. Changing a difficult or encrusted supra–pubic catheter
John McLoughlin
143. How to predict the difficult catheter? Use the Force!
K Mozolowski and John Calleary
144. Urodynamics
Sara Wood
Part 8: Clinical Management
145. Neuro–urology
Philip Van Kerrebroeck
146. Managing urinary tract damage due to ketamine abuse
Dan Wood
147. Top tips for foreskin assessment
Dan Wood
148. LUTS progression
Mark Speakman
149. Top 10 tips: Management of Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CP/CPPS)
J. Curtis Nickel
150. Uro–gynae tips
Glyn Constantine
151. Psychological problems and surgery
Paul McInerney
152. Use of analogies to assist with explanation of urological problems
David Nicol
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