ISBN-13: 9780470015346 / Angielski / Twarda / 2007 / 918 str.
ISBN-13: 9780470015346 / Angielski / Twarda / 2007 / 918 str.
Written by a team of leading international researchers under the guidance of Frank Durso, the second edition of the Handbook of Applied Cognition brings together the latest research into this challenging and important field, and is presented across thirty stimulating and accessible chapters. Stewarded by experiences editors from around the globe, the handbook has been fully updated with eleven new chapters covering materials that focus on the topics critical to understanding human mental functions in complex environments. It is an essential single-source reference for researchers, cognitive engineers and applied cognitive psychologists, as well as advanced students in the flourishing field of applied cognition.
About the Editors.
Preface to First Edition.
Section 1 Applied Cognition Fundamentals.
Chapter 1 Applied Cognitive Psychology in the Context of Everyday Living (Wendy A. Rogers, Richard Pak & Arthur D. Fisk).
Chapter 2 Attention (David L. Strayer & Frank A. Drews).
Chapter 3 Working Memory (Aysecan Boduroglu, Meredith Minear & Priti Shah).
Chapter 4 Knowledge and Expertise (Stephan Lewandowsky, Daniel Little & Michael L. Kalish).
Chapter 5 Episodic Memory (Scott D. Gronlund, Curt A. Carlson & Debra Tower).
Chapter 6 Metamemory (John Dunlosky, Michael J. Serra & Julie M. C. Baker).
Chapter 7 Comprehension and Situation Awareness (Francis T. Durso, Katherine A. Rawson & Sara Girotto).
Chapter 8 Decision–Making (Winston R. Sieck & Gary Klein).
Chapter 9 Human Error: Trick or Treat? (Erik Hollnagel).
Chapter 10 Team Cognition (Nancy J. Cooke, Jamie C. Gorman & Jennifer L. Winner).
Section 2 Applied Cognition in Human Technical Systems.
Chapter 11 Industrial Systems (Neville Moray).
Chapter 12 Patient Safety in Health Care (Vimla L. Patel & Jiajie Zhang).
Chapter 13 Skill in Sport (Bruce Abernethy, Jonathan P. Maxwell, Robin C. Jackson & Richard S. W. Masters).
Chapter 14 Aviation (Christopher Wickens).
Chapter 15 Driving (Geoffrey Underwood, David Crundall & Peter Chapman).
Chapter 16 Automated and Interactive Real–Time Systems (Bernd Lorenz & Raja Parasuraman).
Chapter 17 Cognitive Models of Human Information Interaction (Peter Pirolli).
Chapter 18 Personal Information Management (William Jones & Brian H. Ross).
Chapter 19 Computer–Supported Cooperative Work (Gary M. Olson & Judith S. Olson).
Chapter 20 Online Courses (Ruth H. Maki & William S. Maki).
Section 3 Applied Cognition in Human Social Systems.
Chapter 21 Instruction (Lindsey E. Richland, Marcia C. Linn & Robert A. Bjork).
Chapter 22 Cognitive Rehabilitation (Barbara A. Wilson).
Chapter 23 Personnel Selection and Testing (Margaret E. Beier & Phillip L. Ackerman).
Chapter 24 Mental Illness and Mental Health (Megan E. Hughes, Catherine Panzarella, Lauren B. Alloy & Lyn Y. Abramson).
Chapter 25 Media (Richard Jackson Harris, Elizabeth T. Cady & Christopher P. Barlett).
Chapter 26 Consumer Psychology (Joseph W. Alba & J. Wesley Hutchinson).
Chapter 27 Protection of the Environment (Raymond S. Nickerson).
Chapter 28 Juror Decision–Making (Ryan J. Winter & Edith Greene).
Chapter 29 Eyewitness Testimony (Daniel B. Wright & Graham M. Davies).
Chapter 30 False Memories (Giuliana Mazzoni & Alan Scoboria).
Author Index.
Subject Index.
Frank Durso received his PhD from SUNY at Stony Brook and his BS from Carnegie–Mellon University. He is Professor of Psychology at Texas Tech University on the faculties of the human factors program and the applied cognition program. He currently is president–elect of APA s Applied Experimental division, is chair of the Aerospace Technical Group of Human Factors and on the executive council of the Society for Applied Research on Memory and Cognition. He was President of the Southwestern Psychological Association and founder of the Oklahoma Psychological Society. A fellow of APA and APS, he serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, Human Factors, Air Traffi c Control Quarterly, and Cognitive Technology. He is recipient of the Regents Award for Research and the Kenneth E. Crook award for instruction from the University of Oklahoma where he served as professor and founding director of OU s Human Technology Interaction Center. He has been funded by NSF and the FAA, the latter continuously since 1990. His research interests have focused on cognitive factors in dynamic situations, in particular air traffi c control. He is coauthor (with Nancy Cooke) of the forthcoming book titled Stories of Human Technology Failures and Cognitive Engineering Successes designed to promote cognitive engineering to students and the public.
Raymond S. Nickerson received a PhD in experimental psychology from Tufts University in 1965. He was a researcher and manager at Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc. for 25 years and retired as a senior vice president; he is now a research professor at Tufts University. He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Psychological Association (Divisions 1, 3, 21), the Association for Psychological Science, the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, the Society of Experimental Psychologists, and a recipient of the Franklin V. Taylor award from the APA s Division of Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology (1991). Dr Nickerson was founding editor of the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied and of Reviews of Human Factors and Ergonomics, and is a past chair of the National Research Council s Committee on Human Factors. He is the author of several books, the more recent of which are Looking Ahead: Human Factors Challenges in a Changing World (1992), Psychology and Environmental Change (2003), and Cognition and Chance: The Psychology of Probabilistic Reasoning (2004).
Susan Dumais is a Principal Researcher in the Adaptive Systems and Interaction Group at Microsoft Research. She has been at Microsoft Research since 1997 and has published widely in the areas of human computer interaction and information retrieval. Her current research focuses on personal information management, user modeling and personalization, novel interfaces for interactive retrieval, and implicit measures of user interest and activity. She has worked closely with several Microsoft product groups on search–related innovations. Prior to joining Microsoft Research, she was at Bellcore and Bell Labs for many years, where she worked on Latent Semantic Indexing (a statistical method for concept–based retrieval), combining search and navigation, individual differences, and organizational impacts of new technology. Susan has published more than 170 articles in the fi elds of information science, human computer interaction, and cognitive science, and holds several patents on novel retrieval algorithms and interfaces. She is Past–Chair of ACM s Special Interest Group in Information Retrieval (SIGIR), and was elected to the CHI Academy in 2004. She serves on numerous government panels, editorial boards and conference organizing committees. Susan is an adjunct professor in the Information School at the University of Washington, and has been a visiting faculty member at Stevens Institute of Technology, New York University, and the University of Chicago.
Stephan Lewandowsky obtained his PhD from the University of Toronto in 1985 and has held academic posts at the University of Toronto, University of Oklahoma, and University of Western Australia since then. He has been a Professor of Psychology at the University of Western Australia since 2000. He has held posts as Visiting Professors at the University of Potsdam, Germany, and the University of Bristol, UK. He is currently serving on the editorial board of Psychological Review and is Associate Editor of the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. His research seeks to synthesize basic scientifi c research in the context of potential application to everyday problems. His research has been funded by several agencies, including the US Federal Aviation Administration and the Australian Research Council. He has edited three books and has published 26 refereed articles since 2000 (with a lifetime total of over 90 publications).
Timothy Perfect graduated with his PhD in 1989 from the University of Manchester. From there he worked fi rst at the University of Liverpool and then the University of Bristol. He is currently Professor of Experimental Psychology at the University of Plymouth, where he heads the Memory Research Group. His research interests are broadly in the area of the applied psychology of memory, and he has published on topics of eyewitness confi dence, face recognition, retrieval induced forgetting, unconscious plagiarism and cognitive aging. His work has been funded by several UK funding councils and charitable trusts: the Economic and Social Research Council, the Biotechnology and Biology Research Council, the Medical Research Council, The Leverhulme Trust, and The Nuffi eld Foundation. He is currently on the editorial board of the journals Applied Cognitive Psychology and Memory, and is a member of the Experimental Psychology Society, the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, and the Psychonomic Society. He is married (to Tara) and has two sons (Jake and Sam), and he harbours the ambition to score a century at cricket for his local team.
Written by a leading team of international researchers, this second edition of the Handbook of Applied Cognition brings together the latest research into this challenging and important field, and is presented across thirty stimulating and accessible chapters. Stewarded by experienced editors from around the globe, this edition has been fully updated with eleven new chapters covering materials that focus on the topics critical to understanding human mental functions in complex environments.
The book is divided into three distinct sections, beginning by reviewing the relevant work on the basic processes that underlie application, and fundamental phenomena such as teamwork and human error. The second section discusses the approaches for solving problems of humans dealing with complex technologies and business. These chapters untangle the issues presented when studying cognition in terms of computers, transportation, industrial systems and sport. The final section examines the interaction of the human mind with society and culture. It covers subjects such as forensics, instruction, law and mental health, as well as consumer psychology and the influence of media on cognition.
This new edition of the Handbook of Applied Cognition will act as an authoritative, single source and reference for researchers, cognitive engineers and applied cognitive psychologists. It will also appeal to advanced students covering the flourishing field of applied cognition.
Bruce Abernethy, Hong Kong
Lyn Y. Abramson, USA
Phillip L. Ackerman, USA
Joseph W. Alba, USA
Lauren B. Alloy, USA
Julie M. C. Baker, USA
Christopher P. Barlett, USA
Margaret E. Beier, USA
Robert A. Bjork, USA
Aysecan Boduroglu, Turkey
Elizabeth T. Cady, USA
Curt A. Carlson, USA
Peter Chapman, UK
Nancy J. Cooke, USA
David Crundall, UK
Graham M. Davies, UK
Frank A. Drews, USA
John Dunlosky, USA
Francis T. Durso, USA
Arthur D. Fisk, USA
Sara Girotto, USA
Jamie C. Gorman, USA
Edith Greene, USA
Scott D. Gronlund, USA
Richard Jackson Harris, USA
Erik Hollnagel, France
Megan E. Hughes, USA
J. Wesley Hutchinson, USA
Robin C. Jackson, Hong Kong
William Jones, USA
Michael L. Kalish, USA
Gary Klein, USA
Stephan Lewandowsky, Australia
Marcia C. Linn, USA
Daniel Little, Australia
Bernd Lorenz, Germany
Ruth H Maki, USA
William S. Maki, USA
Richard S.W. Masters, Hong Kong
Jonathan P. Maxwell, Hong Kong
Giuliana Mazzoni, UK
Meredith Minear, USA
Neville Moray, France
Raymond S. Nickerson, USA
Gary M. Olson, USA
Judith S. Olson, USA
Richard Park, USA
Catherine Panzarella, USA
Raja Parsuraman, USA
Vimla L. Patel, USA
Peter Pirolli, USA
Katherine A. Rawson, USA
Lindsey E. Richland, USA
Wendy A. Rogers, USA
Brian H. Ross, USA
Alan Scoboria, Canada
Michael J. Serra, USA
Priti Shah, USA
Winston R. Sieck, USA
David L. Strayer, USA
Debra Tower, USA
Geoffrey Underwood, UK
Christopher Wickens, USA
Barbara A Wilson, UK
Jennifer L. Winner, USA
Ryan J. Winter, USA
Daniel B. Wright, UK
Jiajie Zhang, USA
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