Bibliografia Glosariusz/słownik Wydanie ilustrowane
Acknowledgements page -- Director’s Foreword -- Map -- Before the Portraits: Burial Practices in Pharaonic Egypt/John Taylor -- Graeco-Roman Portraiture/Kurt Gschwantler -- Mummy Portraits and Roman Portraiture/Susan Walker -- The Fayum and its People/R . S. Bagnall -- Technique Eupkrosyne/C.D oxiadis -- The Discovery of the Mummy Portraits/Morris Bierbrier -- A Note on the Dating of Mummy Portraits/Susan Walker -- CATALOGUE -- Portraits and Mummies from Hawara -- Gilded Masks from Hawara -- Portraits from er-Rubayat (Philadelphia) -- Portraits from Antinoopolis and other Sites -- Portraits of Technical Interest -- Pagan Icons -- Portraits on Painted Plaster Masks -- Stone Funerary Stelae 4 -- Portraits of the Later Third Century ad from Deir el-Bahri and Antinoopolis -- The Cultural and Archaeological Context -- Jewellery -- Papyri 15 -- Portrait -- Select Bibliography 6 -- Glossary -- Egyptian Deities and Chronology -- Lenders to the Exhibition and Photographic Acknowledgements -- Concordance of Catalogue and Museum Numbers.
Susan Walker is Deputy Keeper of the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities, the British Museum. Her publications include Greek and Roman Portraits and RomanArt.