Bibliografia Glosariusz/słownik Wydanie ilustrowane
Introduction 1.‘A New Instrument of War’: The Origins of the Special Operations Executive 2. Weapons and Equipment of the Special Operations Executive 3. SOE and Sea Communications 4. Churchill and SOE 5. Poland and SOE 6. SOE and Milorg – ‘Thieves on the Same Market’ 7. SOE in the Low Countries 8. SOE in Italy 9. Resistance from Abroad: Anglo-Soviet Efforts to Co-Ordinate Yugoslav Resistance, 1941-1942 10. SOE in Romania 11. SOE in Afghanistan 12. Don Stott’s ‘Adventures’ in Athens, October-November 1943 13. SOE and the Neutrals 14. SOE in Albania – The ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Re-Assessed 15. SOE and Denmark 16. Hitler’s Irish Hideout: A Case Study of SOE’s Black Propaganda Battles 17. ‘Of Historical Interest Only’ – The Origins and Vicissitudes of the SOE