This individual volume covers American novelist Edgar Allan Poe. The 42 volumes that comprise the series covering 19th and 20th-century European and American authors are available as a complete set, mini boxed sets (by theme) or as individual volumes.
Introduction; Tamerlane and Other Poems; 1: Poe's ‘Preface'; Alaaraaf, Tamerlane, And Minorpoems; 2: [John Neal], pre-publication notices in the Yankee and Boston Literary Gazette; 3: [John Neal], notice in the Boston Ladies' magazine; 4: Review in an unidentified Baltimore paper; 5: J ohn Hill Hewitt, review in the Baltimore Minerva and Emerald; Poems; 6: Notice in the New-York Mirror; 7: [John Neal], notice in the Morning Courier and New York Enquirer; The Young Magazinist; 8: Editorial in the Baltimore Saturday Visiter; 9: From reports in the Baltimore Saturday Visiter; 10: Editorial notices of Poe's tales in the Southern Literary Messenger; 11: Philip Pendleton Cooke, from a letter to Thomas White in the Southern Literary Messenger; 12: From the ‘Supplement' to theSouthern Literary Messenger; 13: From the ‘Supplement' to the Southern Literary Messenger; 14: From the ‘Supplement' to theSouthern Literary Messenger; The Narra Tive Of Arthur Gordonpym; 15: U nsigned review in the New-York Mirror; 16: [Lewis Gaylord Clark], review in the Knickerbocker Magazine; 17: Notice in the New York Albion; 18: Unsigned notice in Alexander's Weekly Messenger; 19: [William Burton],review in Burton's GentZeman's Magazine; 20: Unsigned notice in the New York Review; 21: From an unsigned review in the Torch; 22: From an unsigned review in the London Atlas; 23: From an unsigned review in the London Spectator; 24: Review in the London New Monthly Magazine; 25: Unsigned review in the London Monthly Review; Tales Of The Grotesque And Arabesque; 26: James E. Heath condemns Poe's ‘Germanism'; 27: Philip Pendleton Cooke, from letters to Poe; 28: Poe's ‘Preface'; 29: ‘Personal' and ‘Editorial Opinions'; 30: [Joseph Clay Neal], notice in the Pennsylvanian; 31: Notice in the Philadelphia Saturday Courier; 32: Unsigned notice in the Boston Morning Post; 33: [John Frost], review in Alexander's Weekly Messenger; 34: Unsigned notice in the New York American; 35: Notices in the New-York Mirror; 36: [Morton McMichael], notice in Godey's Lady's Book; 37: [James E. Heath], review in the Southern Literary Messenger; Prose Romances; 38: Unsigned notice in the Philadelphia Saturday Museum; 39: Unsigned review in the Pennsylvania Inquirer; 40: Notice in the Philadelphia Saturday Courier; 41: Notice in the Ladies' National Magazine; Some Popular Successes; 42: Discussion of ‘The Gold-Bug' in the Philadelphia Saturday Museum; 43: Poe's account of the reception of ‘The Balloon Hoax' in the Columbia Spy; (c) ‘The Raven' (1845); 44: Nathaniel Parker Willis, introductory note in the New York Evening Mirror; 45: George Hooker Colton, introduction to ‘The Ra ven' in the American Review; 46: Introductory note to ‘The Raven' in the Southern Literary Messenger; 47: Elizabeth Barrett comments on ‘The Raven' in letters to (a) Richard Riengist Horne, and (b) Poe; 48: [John Moncure aniel],ntroduction to ‘The Ra ven' in the Richmond Examiner; (d) ‘The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar' (1845); 49: ‘Mesmerism in America', London Popular Record of Modern Science; General Estimates; 50: James Russell Lowell, ‘Our Contributors — No. Xvii. Edgar Allan Poe' , Graham's Magazine; 51: Thomas Dunn English,‘Notes About Men of N ote', Aristidean; 52: Wil1iam Gilmore Simms, ‘Poe' s Poetry', Charleston Southern Patriot; Tales; 53: [Evert Augustus Duyckinck], notice in the New York Morning News; 54: [Margaret Fuller], review in the New York Daily Tribune; 55: [Charles Anderson Dana],review in the Harbinger; 56: Unsigned notice in the Spectator; 57: From a notice in the Atlas; 58: Rufus Wilmot Griswold, from ‘The Intel1ectual History, Condition and Prospects of the Country',Washington National Intelligencer; 59: From notices in the London Critic; 60: [Evert Augustus Duyckinck], review in the American Review; 61: Unsigned review in Graham's Magazine; 62: Thomas Dunn English/Poe, review in the Aristidean; 63: From a review in the Literary Annual Register; 64: [William Gilmore Simms], from an editorial review in the Southern and Western Magazine; 65: [Martin Farquhar Tupper], review in the London Literary Gazette; 66: E. D. Forgues from ‘Studies in English and American Fiction: the Tales of Edgar A. Poe', La Revue des deux mondes; 67: [William Henry Smith], from a review of ‘The American Library' in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine; The Raven And Other Poems; 68: [George Pope Morris], review in the New York Evening Mirror; 69: [Margaret Fuller], review in the New York Daily Tribune; 70: Thomas Dunn English, review in the Aristidean; 71: Unsigned review in the Boston Post; 72: John Sullivan Dwight, review in the Harbinger; 73: [Freeman Hunt] , notice in the Merchant's Magazine and Commercial Advertiser; 74: [Lewis Gaylord Clark], review in the Knickerbocker Magazine; 75: [Lucius Alonzo Hine],‘Edgar A. Poe', Cincinnati Quarterly Journal and Review; 76: [Thomas Kibble Hervey],review in the London Athenaeum; 77: [William Gilmore Simms],review in the Southern Patriot; 78: Unsigned review in the London Literary Gazette; 79: Unsigned review in the London Critic; 80: [Nathaniel Parker Willis], review in the National Press: A Home Journal; General Estimates; 81: William Gilmore Simms,‘From Our Correspondent', Southern Patriot; 82: [Evert Augustus Duyckinck], ‘An Author in Europe and America', Home Journal; 83: Philip Pendleton Cooke,‘Edgar A. Poe', Southern Literary Messenger; Eureka; 84: J ohn Henry Hopkins, report on ‘The Universe' in the New York Evening Express; 85: U nsigned notice in the NewY ork Evening Express; 86: [Epes Sargent] , notice in the Boston Transcript; 87: [John Henry Hopkins], review in the Literary World; 88: Unsigned notice in the New York Daily Tribune; 89: ‘Mr. Poe's Eureka', Home Journal; 90: Unsigned review in the New Church Repository, and Monthly Review; 91: Uohn Milton Emerson], from a review in the Amherst College Indicator; Obituary Notices; 92: [Rufus Wilmot Griswold], ‘Death of Edgar Allan Poe', New York Daily Tribune; 93: ‘Edgar A. Poe', unsigned obituary in the New York Journal of Commerce; 94: ‘Death of Edgar A. Poe', Baltimore Patriot; 95: ‘Death of a Poet', New York Organ; 96: N athaniel Parker Willis,‘Death of Edgar A. Poe', Home Journal; 97: Henry Beck Hirst,‘Edgar Allan Poe' McMakin's Model American Courier; 98: George Lippard, notice in the Quaker City; 99: [Charles J. Peterson],‘Mr Poe's Last Poem', Philadelphia Saturday Gazette; 100: Edward H.N. Patterson, ‘Death of Poe', and ‘Literary Fame', Oquawka Spectator; 101: John Reuben Thompson,‘The Late Edgar A. Poe', Southern Literary Messenger; The Works Of The La Te Edgar Allan Poe; 102: [Charles Frederick Briggs], preview in Holden's Dollar Magazine; 103: George Ripley, review in the New York Daily Tribune; 104: [Evert Augustus Duyckinck], reviews in the Literary World; 105: George Washington Peck, from a review in the American Whig Review; 106: [John Moncure Daniel], review in the Southern Literary Messenger; 107: George Rex Graham,‘The Late Edgar Allan Poe', Graham's Magazine; 108: John Neal, from ‘Edgar A. Poe', Portland Daily Advertiser; 109: Unsigned review in Peterson's Magazine; Views From Abroad; 110: From ‘Recent Poets of America', London Quarterly Review; 111: Charles Baudelaire, from ‘Edgar Allan Poe: His Life and Works', introduction to Les Histoires extraordinaires
Ian Walker
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