1. Rethinking Hierarchy in Sustainability Governance. A Literature Review
Philippe Hamman
2. Toward Systematic Understandings of Sustainability Governance. A Conceptual Meta-Framework
Basil Bornemann, Philipp Lange and Paul Burger
Part II
New frames for thinking and implementing economic policy, law and public administration
3. Why Does Promoting Energy Efficiency not Contradict the Paradigm of Sustainability? A Normative Approach Using the Pareto Criterion
Bianca Blum, Bernhard Neumärker and Anja Simoneit
4. Urban Planning and Adaptation to Climate Change. A Legal Perspective
Vincent Tissot and Marie-Pierre Camproux-Duffrène
5. Sustainabilizing the Government Machinery? Exploring Sustainability-Oriented Transformations of Internal Governance in Swiss Cantons
Basil Bornemann and Marius Christen
Part III
Governance of energy transition and territorial metabolism: reframing sustainability politics/policies
6. (Self-)Governing Urban Energy Transitions: From Revolution to Evolution?
Jens Koehrsen
7. Governance for Sufficiency: A New Approach to a Contested Field
Paul Burger, Iljana Schubert and Annika Sohre
8. Governance of Urban Metabolism: When a System Creates Its Own Limitations
Maurice Wintz
Part IV
Rethinking the "sustainable city" project as a procedural issue: between institutional regulations and social linkages
9. Urban Sustainability Governance and Social Transactions in France. A Social Sciences Perspective
Philippe Hamman
10. For a New Conception of the Metropolis. The "Danube" Eco-District in Strasbourg as a New Model for Urban Governance and an Experiment in Local Democracy
Patricia Zander
11. Governance for Sustainability in European Cities
Cristina Garzillo and Matthew Bach
Philippe Hamman is Professor of Sociology at the Institute for Urbanism and Regional Development, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Strasbourg, France