Part 1: Eco Design and Renovation 1.1. Introduction 1.2. Strategies for Design of Our Green Built Environment 1.3. Eco Design for Retrofitting 1.4. Summary Part 2: Bioclimatic Retrofitting 2.1. Introduction 2.2. Design Solution Sets For Bioclimatic Retrofit 2.3. An Evidenced-Base Design (Ebd) Approach For Selecting Retrofitting Strategies 2.4. Performance Improvements Of Retrofitting Design Solution Sets 2.5. The Economic Case for Retrofitting Using Bioclimatic Principles (Francis Barram) 2.6. Summary Part 3: Technological and Behaviour Change for Performance Improvements 3.1 Introduction 3.2. Evaluation Typologies of Commercial Architecture For Retrofitting 3.3. Retrofitting Comfort And Indoor Environmental Quality 3.4. Reviewing Benchmarking Systems For Retrofitting 3.5. Energy Performance Rating Systems 3.6. Performance Modelling Tools 3.7. Monitoring Building Performance 3.8. A Diagnostic Toolkit for Multi-Dimensional Testing Of Built Internal Environments 3.9. Reducing Embodied Energy Through Retrofit 3.10. A Checklist For Reducing Peak Energy Loads In Buildings: A Staged Approach 3.11. Penalty-Reward-Pinch (PRP) Design In Commercial Building Sustainability 3.12. Economic Drivers For Renovation 3.13. A Bioclimatic Design Approach For Retrofitting Commercial Office Buildings 3.14. Summary Part 4: Retrofitting Exemplars 4.1. Introduction 4.2. PMM Building; Passive Systems Improvement 4.3. 55 St Andrews Place; Turning a Sparrow into a Peacock 4.4. Bioclimatic Retrofitting Of University Buildings 4.5. 503 Collins Street 4.6. Solar Thermal Retrofit 4.7. Benefits And Impacts Of Adjusting Cooling Set-Points In Brisbane 4.8. Low Energy High-Rise 4.9. Refurbishment for Carbon Reduction and Occupant Comfort – Insights from the Post Occupancy Evaluation of Three Office Buildings 4.10. The Deakin University Waterfront Campus – Callista Offices A Case Study
Richard Hyde is Professor of Architectural Science at the University of Sydney, Australia. He is a registered architect engaged in the field of sustainable architectural design and research for buildings. He is currently Associate Dean Research, Editor-in-Chief of Architectural Science Review and Coordinator of the Sustainable Design Program, Faculty of Architecture Design and Planning, the University of Sydney.
Nathan Groenhout is a consultant providing ecologically sustainable design, thermal and energy modelling, and research and development in building innovation. He is currently Adjunct Associate Professor in the Faculty of Architecture Design and Planning at the University of Sydney, Australia. In January 2002, he was a Visiting Research Scholar at the Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, Japan whilst completing his PhD in numerical and experimental investigations of advanced solar water heaters.
Francis Barram is an author and energy analyst with extensive experience in the design of sustainable building services and industrial processes. He is a member of the Australian Standards Energy Audit Standard Committee and founder and Managing Director of Ensight, an award winning national consultancy.
Ken Yeang is an architect, planner and ecologist. He is the Chairman and Design Director of Llewelyn Davies Yeang (UK) and principal of T. R. Hamzah & Yeang (Malaysia). He is the Distinguished Plym Professor at the University of Illinois, USA, and has received international awards for his architecture and masterplans.