ISBN-13: 9780367306731 / Angielski / Miękka / 2021 / 368 str.
ISBN-13: 9780367306731 / Angielski / Miękka / 2021 / 368 str.
This book is a teaching dictionary with the goal of de-mystifying current social science theory in a comprehensive, accessible format. It focuses on important terminology in progressive, radical, critical Marxist, feminist, left-liberal, postmodern, and semiotic contexts.
Preface -- Authors' Note -- A -- AARP -- Abduction -- Abolitionism -- Abortion -- Abuse, Child -- Abuse, Spousal -- Accenting the Sign -- Act -- Act, Philosophy of -- Acton, Lord (1834-1902) -- Actor -- Adolescence -- Adorno, Theodor (1903-1969) -- Adventist Religious Groups -- Advertising -- Aesthetics -- Aesthetics (Socialist) -- Affect -- Age -- Aged, Immiseration of -- Age Grades -- Agency, Human -- Agitation -- Agnosticism -- Agrarian Society -- Agriculture -- Agriculture, Hydraulic Societies -- Agrippa -- Ahistoricism -- Algorithm -- Alienation -- Alienation, Assumptions of -- Alienation, Psychological -- Allegory -- Analogy -- Analysis -- Anarchy -- Androcentricism -- Animal Functions -- Anomia -- Anomie -- Anthropocentrism -- Anthropology -- Anthropomorphism -- Anti-Foundationalism -- Anti-Semitism -- Apathy -- Apollonian -- Apology -- Apple, and Temptation to Knowledge -- Appropriation -- Appropriation, Mechanisms of -- Aquinas, Thomas, St. (1225-1274) -- Archaeology -- Archetype -- Aristocracy -- Aristotle (384-322 b.c.e.) -- Art -- Artificial Intelligence -- Artificial Stupidity -- Asceticism -- Ascribed Status -- Ashby's Law of Requisite Variety -- Assimilation -- Atheism -- Attitude -- Attractor -- Attractor, Strange -- Augustine, St. (354-430) -- Author -- Authoritarianism -- Authoritarian Personality -- Authority -- Automation -- Autonomy -- Away(s) -- Axiology -- Axiom -- B -- Back Stage -- Bacon, Francis (1561—1626) -- Bakunin, Mikhail (1814—1876) -- Balance of Payments -- Balance of Trade -- Banditry, Social -- Barbarism -- Barthes, Roland (1915—1980) -- Base -- Baseball -- Base Communities -- Bastard -- Baudrillard, Jean (1929—) -- Beauvoir, Simone de (1908—1986) -- Behavior -- Behaviorism -- Behavior Modification -- Belief -- Bentham, Jeremy (1748—1832) -- Berkeley, George (1685—1753) -- Birth Control -- Biological Reductionism -- Blanqui, Lousis (1805—1881) -- Bloc Formation -- Blocs, Economic -- Boas, George (1891-1980) -- Bodhisattva -- Bolsheviks -- Bourgeois Democracy -- Bourgeoisie -- Bourgeois Revolution -- Bourgeois Society -- Bridgman, P.W. (1882-1963) -- Brothel -- Buddhism, Hinayana -- Buddhism, Mahayana -- Buggery -- Bureaucracy -- Bureaucratic Socialism -- Buridan's Ass -- Butterfly Attractor -- C -- Cadre -- Calvin, John (1509-1564) -- Camp -- Campanella, Tomasso (1588-1639) -- Canon/Canon Law -- Capital -- Capital, Accumulation of -- Capital, Accumulation Crisis of -- Capital, Constant -- Capital, Organic Composition of -- Capital, Variable -- Capital (Das Kapital: 1867) -- Capital-Intensive Production -- Capitalism -- Capitalism, Advantages of -- Capitalism, Disadvantages of -- Capitalism, Economic Laws of -- Capitalism, Fiscal Costs of -- Capitalism, People's -- Capitalism, Reproduction of -- Capitalism, Social Costs of -- Capitalism, Stages of -- Capitalism, Theory of Its Collapse -- Capitalist World System/New World Order -- Capital Logic -- Capital Punishment -- Career/Careerist -- Carrier's Case -- Cartel -- Case Law -- Caste -- Casuistry -- Cause -- Caveat emptor -- Central (Economic) Planning -- Central Executive Committees -- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) -- Centralism, Democratic -- Certainty -- Certiorari, Writ of -- Chance -- Chaos Theory -- Charisma -- Charity -- Child Savers -- Chiliasm/Chiliastic -- Chomsky, Noam (1928- ) -- Christ, Jesus (4 B.C.E.-29 A.D.) -- Christian Right -- Chronophone -- Church -- Civil Inattention -- Civilization -- Civil Society -- Class -- Class Action Suit -- Class Collaboration -- Class Conflict -- Class Consciousness -- Class Consciousness, Theory of -- Class Structure -- Class Struggle -- Client State -- Closed Shop -- Code -- Coercion -- Cogito ergo sum -- Cognitive Capacities -- Cohort -- Collective -- Collective Bargaining -- Collective Behavior -- Collective Conscience -- Colony -- Comenius, John Amos (1592-1671) -- Commodification -- Commodity -- Commodity Fetishism -- Common Law -- Common-Law Marriage -- Commune -- Communication -- Communism -- Communism, Idea of -- Communism, Movement of -- Communism, Primitive/Communalism -- Communist Manifesto -- Community -- Community Policing -- Comparable Worth -- Competence -- Competition -- Competitive Sector -- Compromise, The Great -- Computer Crime -- Comte, Auguste (1798-1857) -- Concentration -- Condensation -- Conditioning -- Condorcet, Jean (1743-1794) -- Confession -- Conflict Methodology -- Conflict Situations -- Conflict Theory -- Conglomerate -- Consciousness -- Consciousness Industry -- Consensus Methodology -- Consensus Theory -- Consent -- Conservatism -- Consideration -- Conspiracy -- Constitution -- Constitutive Theory -- Consumerism -- Consummation (of a Marriage) -- Contract -- Contradiction -- Controlled Drugs -- Control Theory -- Cooling Out -- Cooperation -- Cooperatives -- Co-Parenting -- Copyright -- Core -- Corporate Crime -- Corporate Liberalism -- Corporation -- Corporativism -- Corruption, Theory of -- Costs (Socially Necessary) -- Counter-Memorializing -- Coup d'etat -- Courage -- Court -- Court, Kangaroo -- Court-Martial -- Court of Last Resort -- Creationism -- Creativity -- Credit -- Crime -- Crime, Female -- Crime, Forms and Theory of -- Crime, Male -- Crime, Social Location of -- Crimes Without Victims -- Criminal Injury -- Criminalization/De-criminalization -- Criminal Justice -- Criminal Law -- Criminology -- Criminology, Radical -- Crisis Theory -- Critical Legal Studies -- Critical Race Theory -- Critical Social Science -- Critical Theory -- Criticism/Self-criticism -- Cruel and Unusual Punishment -- Cult of the Leader -- Cult of the Self -- Cultural Conflict -- Cultural Diffusion -- Cultural Lag -- Cultural Relativism -- Cultural Revolution -- Culture -- Culture (of Resistance) -- Custody -- Custody of a Child -- Custom -- Cybernetics -- Cyberspace -- D -- Darwin, Charles (1809-1882) -- Data -- Days of Grace -- Death of God -- Death of the Subject -- Death Penalty -- Decentered Subject -- Decentering -- Decertification -- Decidability -- Decode -- Deconstruction -- Deduction/Deductive Logic -- De facto -- Defection of the Intelligentsia -- Deficit Spending -- Definition -- Definition of the Situation -- Degradation Routines -- Deism -- De jure -- Deleuze, Gilles (1925-1995) -- Delinquency -- Demagogue -- Democracy -- Democratic Self-Management -- Demographic Transition Theory -- Demography -- Demonization -- Deontology -- Dependency Theory -- Dependent Variable -- Depoliticization -- Depression -- Dereification -- Derrida, Jacques -- Descartes, René (1596-1650) -- Desire -- Deskilling -- Deskilling of America -- Determinism -- Developing Countries -- Development/Underdevelopment -- Deviance -- Deviance, Primary -- Deviant -- Dewey, John (1859-1952) -- Dialectic -- Dialectic Materialism -- Dialogical Pedagogy -- Dictatorship -- Dictatorship of the Proletariat -- Dictionary -- Differance -- Difference -- Differential Association -- Differentiation -- Diminishing Returns, Law of -- Dinks -- Dionysian/Dionysus -- Disaster -- Disciplinary Society -- Discourse -- Discrimination -- Discursive Formations -- Disemployment -- Disengagement Theory -- Displacement -- Dissipative Structure -- Dividends -- Divine Right (of Kings) -- Division of Labor -- Dogma/Dogmatism -- Double Bind -- Dracon/Draconian -- Dramaturgical Analysis -- Dramaturgical Society -- Dramaturgy -- Dream Work -- Dühring, Eugen (1833-1901) -- Durkheim, Émile (1858-1917) -- Duty -- Dyad -- E -- Echelon -- Eclectic/Eclecticism -- Ecology -- Economic Determinism -- Economic Formations -- Economic Forms, Parallel -- Economic Imperialism -- Economics -- Economics, Demand-Side -- Economics, Supply-Side -- Economism -- Ecriture féminine -- Ecstasy -- Education -- Education, Revolutionary -- Education, Technical -- Egalitarian (Society) -- Ego -- Eidetic -- Einstein, Albert (1879-1955) -- Electra Complex -- Eleventh Thesis -- Elite -- Elitism -- Emancipation -- Emancipation of the Senses -- Emancipatory Science -- Embourgeoisiement -- Emergence Theory -- Eminent Domain -- Emotion, Sociology of -- Empathy -- Empirical Investigation -- Empiricism -- Empowerment -- Enclosure Acts -- Encoding -- End of Ideology -- Endogamy -- Engels, Friedrich (1820-1895) -- Enlightenment, The -- Entelechy -- Entrepreneur -- Entropy -- Epicureanism -- Epiphenomena -- Epistemological Category -- Epistemology -- EPM -- Epoché -- Equilibrium Conditions -- Equity -- Equity, Maxims of -- Equivalence Principle -- Erotic/Eroticism -- Eschatology -- Essentialism -- Estate System -- Ethics -- Ethnic -- Ethnicity -- Ethnocentrism -- Ethnomethodology -- Ethos -- Euclid/Euclidean Geometry -- Eugenics -- Evil -- Evolution, Organic -- Evolution, Social -- Exchange Rate -- Exchange-Ratio -- Exchange-Value -- Exclusionary Rule -- Existentialism -- Exogamy -- Expansion -- Exploitation -- Exploitation, Super -- Expropriation -- Externalization -- F -- Fabianism -- Face Rights -- Facticity -- Factors in Production -- Faith -- Faith, Social Psychology of -- Fallacies (of Thinking) -- False Consciousness -- Family -- Family, Disorganization of -- Family, Extended -- Family Violence -- Far-From-Equilibrium Conditions -- Farming, Modern -- Fascism -- Fascism, Techno- -- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) -- Feedback -- Fem-Crits -- Femininity, Traditional -- Feminism -- Feminism, Black -- Feminism, Liberal -- Feminism, Marxist -- Feminism, Postmodern -- Feminism, Radical -- Feminism, Separatist -- Feminism, Socialist -- Feminist Methodology -- Feminist Standpoint Epistemology -- Feminist Theory -- Feral -- Fetishism -- Feudalism -- Feuerbach, Ludwig Andreas (1804-1872) -- Fichte, Johann (1762-1814) -- Fifth Estate (Fifth Column) -- Fiscal Crisis -- Flagrante delicto -- Floating Signifiers -- Folk Society -- Folkway -- Football, Ideology of -- Force -- Force, Structural -- Fordism -- Formalism -- Foucault, Michel (1926-1984) -- Foundationalism -- Fourier, Charles (1772-1837) -- Fourth Estate -- Fractal/Fractal Geometry -- Francis of Assisi, St. (1182-1226) -- Frankfurt School -- Freedom -- Free Enterprise -- Free Love -- Free Will -- Freire, Paulo (1922-1997) -- French Revolution (1789-1799) -- French Student Movement of 1968 -- Freud, Sigmund (1856-1939) -- Freudian Revisionism -- Friendship -- Froebel, Friedrich (1782-1852) -- From Each According to His Abilities; to Each According to His Needs -- Full Employment -- Function/Functionalism -- Functional Interchange -- Functionary -- G -- Galileo, Galilei (1564-1642) -- Gambling -- Game Stage -- Gandhi, Mohandas K. (1869-1949) -- Gemeinschaft -- Gender -- Genealogy -- Generalized Other -- Gesellschaft -- Gestalt -- Gilligan, Carol -- Glossary -- GNP (Gross National Product) -- Gobineau, Arthur (1816-1882) -- God -- God, Death of -- Gödel's Theorem -- Goffman, Erving (1922-1983) -- Golden Mean -- Golden Rule -- Government, Forms of -- Grace -- Gramsci, Antonio (1891-1937) -- Great Man Theory (of History) -- Green Movement, The -- Gregory I, Pope (540-604) -- Grotius, Hugo (1583-1645) -- Group -- Group Dynamics -- Group of Seven -- Group Think -- Guattari, Félix (1930-1992) -- Guilt -- H -- Habermas, Jürgen (1929- ) -- Hammurabi, Code of -- Hand, Invisible -- Hedonism -- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (1770-1831) -- Hegelian Dialectic -- Hegelian Left -- Hegemony, Ideological -- Heidegger, Martin (1884-1976) -- Heisenberg, Werner (1901- ) -- Heresy/Heretic -- Hermeneutics -- Heroic -- Hierarch -- Highlander -- Hinduism -- Historical Materialism -- Historicism -- Historicity -- Historiography -- History -- HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) -- Hobbes, Thomas (1588-1679) -- Homosexuality -- hooks, bell (1952- ) -- Hostile Contrast -- Humanism -- Humanism, Abstract -- Humanism, Socialist -- Human Nature -- Human Rights -- Husserl, Edmund (1859-1938) -- Hutterites -- Hyperreality -- Hyperspace -- Hypothesis -- I -- "I" -- Idea/Idealism -- Ideal-Types -- Identification -- Identity, Social -- Ideology -- Idiographic -- Idol -- Imagination, Sociological -- Immiseration -- Imperialism/Empire -- Imperialism, Economic -- Imperialism, Marxist-Leninist Theory of -- Implode/Implosion -- Impression Management -- Incest -- Indeterminacy Principle -- Index Crimes -- Indigenous Population -- Individual -- Individual (and Socialism) -- Individual, Theory of -- Individualism -- Individualism (Possessive) -- Induction -- Inference -- Information -- Infrastructure -- Inquisition -- Instinct -- Institutes, The -- Institution -- Institutional Racism -- Institutional Sexism -- Instrumentalism -- Instrumental Rationality -- Intentionality -- Interest -- Internal Colonialism -- Internalization -- International, First (1864-1876) -- International, Socialist -- International Court of Justice -- Internationalism -- International Law -- International Law, Private -- International Monetary Fund (IMF) -- Interpellation -- Interrogatory -- Intertextual -- Intimacy -- Intuition -- IQ -- Irigaray, Luce (1930- ) -- Irrationality -- Irreversibility -- Irreversible Socio-Dynamics, Theory of -- Issue -- Iteration -- J -- Jacobins -- Jim Crow -- John Birch Society -- Jouissance -- Judaism -- Judge -- Judgment -- Junta -- Jurisdiction -- Jus -- Just Deserts -- Justice -- Justice, Distributive -- Justice, Retributive -- Justice, Substantive -- Justice, Technical -- Justify/Justification -- Justinian -- Juvenile -- Juvenile Delinquency -- Juvenile Justice System -- K -- Kant, Immanuel (1724-1804) -- Kantian Imperative -- Kerala -- Keynes, John Maynard (1883-1946) -- Keynesian Economics -- Kibbutz -- King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1929-1968) -- Knowledge -- Knowledge, Democratization of -- Knowledge, Sociology of/Process of -- Kondratieff Cycles -- Koran -- Kristeva, Julia (1941- ) -- Kropotkin, Peter Alekseyevich, Prince (1842-1921) -- Kuhn, Thomas (1922- ) -- Kutznets Cycles -- L -- Labeling Theory -- Labor -- Labor, Alienated -- Labor, Contradictions in -- Labor, Estranged -- Labor, International Division of -- Labor, Surplus -- Labor Discipline -- Labor-Intensive Production -- Labor Market, Segmented -- Labor Power -- Labor Power, Reproduction of -- Labor Theory of Value -- Lacan, Jacques (1901-1981) -- Lacan's Four Discourses, Four Terms, and Four Positions -- Laissez-faire -- Lange, Oskar (1904-1965) -- Language -- Language, Sexist/Racist -- Large-Scale Organization (LSO) -- Law -- Law, Bourgeois -- Law, Formal -- Law, Natural -- Law, natural -- Law, Religious -- Law, Socialist -- Law, Sociology of -- League of the Just -- Left -- Left Realism -- Left-Wing Marxism -- Legal Aid -- Legal Fiction -- Legal-Rational Authority -- Legitimation Crisis -- Leibniz, Gottfried (1646-1716) -- Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich (1870-1924) -- Lesbian/Lesbianism -- Lévi-Strauss, Claude (1908- ) -- Lewin, Kurt (1890-1947) -- Lex domicilii -- Lex loci contractus -- Lex talionis -- Liberal -- Liberalism -- Libertarianism -- Liebknecht, Karl (1826-1919) -- Linear/Linearity -- Linguistic Code -- Linguistic Coordinate System (LCS) -- Linguistic Relativity Principle -- Locke, John (1632-1704) -- Logic -- Logic, Fuzzy -- Logic, Syllogistic -- Logocentric -- Longitudinal Analysis -- Looking Glass Process -- Luddite (also Neo-Luddite) -- Lukács, Georg (1885-1971) -- Lumpen-proletariat -- Luther, Martin (1483-1546) -- Luxemburg, Rosa (1870-1919) -- Lyotard, Jean-François (1924- ) -- M -- Machiavelli, Niccolò (1469-1527) -- Macho/Machismo -- Macroeconomics -- Macro-Sociological Level of Analysis -- Macro-Theory -- Majority, Age of -- Mala in se -- Mala prohibita -- Malthus, Thomas (1726-1834) -- Managed Society -- Management, Democratic Self- -- Management Science -- Managers -- Mandamus, Writ of -- Manslaughter -- Mao Tse-Tung (1893-1976) -- Marasmus -- Marcuse, Herbert (1898-1979) -- Marginal Cost -- Marginal Utility, Theory of -- Market -- Markoviç, Svetozar (1846-1875) -- Marriage -- Marx, Early -- Marx, Karl (1818-1883) -- Marxism -- Marxist-Leninism -- Marxist Methodology -- Masculinity Crisis -- Maslow's Hierarchy -- Mass/Masses -- Mass Action -- Mass Base -- Mass Communication -- Mass Cult -- Mass Media -- Mass Medicine -- Mass Movements -- Masspol -- Mass Society -- Materialism -- Mathematical Sociology -- Matriarchy -- McCarthyism (1950-1960) -- McDonaldization of Society -- McDougall, William (1871-1938) -- "Me" -- Mead, George Herbert (1863-1931) -- Medicalization -- Mens rea -- Mental Disorder -- Meritocracy -- Metaphysics -- Methodology, Theory of -- Micro-Sociological Level of Analysis -- Micro-Theory -- Middle Class, Shrinking of -- Middle Classes -- Migration -- Milgram, Stanley (1933-1984) -- Military-Industrial Complex -- Mill, John Stuart (1806-1873) -- Millennium/Millenarianism -- Mills, C. Wright (1916-1962) -- Mind -- Mind As a Social Product -- Mini-Cycles -- Minimum Wage -- Minor/Minority -- Miranda Warning -- Miscarriage of Justice -- Mixed Economy -- Mobility, Downward -- Mobility, Intergenerational -- Mobility, Intragenerational -- Mobility, Social -- Modern, Modernism, Modern Science -- Modernization Theory -- Mohammed (570-632) -- Molestation -- Money -- Monks -- Monopoly -- Monopoly, International -- Monopoly Capitalism -- Monopoly Sector -- Moral Agency -- Moral Development -- Moral Entrepreneurs -- Morality -- Moral Order -- Moral Panic -- Mores -- Morris, William (1834-1896) -- Mortgage -- Mosaic Code -- Moses -- Motivation -- Motive -- Multinational Corporation (MNC) -- Multi- Versus Mono-Causality -- Mussolini, Benito (1883-1945) -- Mutual Funds -- Mysticism -- Mystification -- N -- NACLA -- Name -- Narrative -- National Insurance -- Nationalism -- Nationalization -- National Security Managers -- Natural Child -- Nature, Liberation of -- Necessary Labor -- Necessity -- Necessity, The Realm of -- Needs, False -- Needs Principle -- Negation -- Negation (of the Negation) -- Negentropy -- Neglect -- Neocolonialism -- Neo-Marxism -- New Class -- New Left -- News -- Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844-1900) -- Nominalism -- Nomothetic -- Nonlinear Dynamics -- Nonperson -- Non sequitur -- Non-Zero-Sum Game -- Norm -- Normative Order -- Noumena -- Nulla poena sine lege -- Null Hypothesis -- Nullum crimen sine lege -- O -- Objectification -- Objectivity -- Obscene -- Oedipal Complex -- Offense -- Office -- Oligarchy, Michel's Iron Law of -- Ombudsman -- One-Dimensional Society -- Ontological Category -- Ontology -- Onus -- Operant Conditioning -- Oppression -- Order(s) -- Organic Theory of Social Organization -- Organization Theory -- Orwell, George (1903-1950) -- Overdetermination -- Overpopulation -- Over-Socialized Model of Self -- Owen, Robert (1771-1858) -- P -- Pacifism -- Paganism -- Panopticism -- Pantheism -- Paradigm -- Paralogic -- Parens patriae -- Pareto, Vilfredo (1848-1923) -- Paris Commune -- Parliamentarianism -- Parlor Marxism -- Parole -- Part I Offenses -- Part II Offenses -- Participation Theory -- Participatory Sociology -- Party/Party Discipline -- Pascal, Blaise (1623-1662) -- Passion -- Pastiche -- Patent -- Patriarchy -- Pauper/Pauperism -- Peasant -- Pedagogy -- Pedophilia/Pedophile -- Peer -- Peer Group -- Peirce, Charles S. (1839-1914) -- Peonage -- Performativity -- Perjury -- Person -- Personality -- Personal Property -- Perversion -- Petty Bourgeoisie -- Petty Bourgeois Science -- Phalanstery, Phalanx Socialism -- Phallocentric -- Phallogocentrism -- Phenomenology -- Phenomenology, Postmodern -- Philosophical Anthropology -- Philosophy -- Philosophy (of Life) -- Philosophy, The Discipline of -- Phonocentric -- Physiocrats/Physiocracy -- Piaget, Jean (1896-1980) -- Picketing -- Plato (428-348 b.c.e.) -- Plea -- Plea Bargaining -- Plebe/Plebeian -- Plebiscite -- Plekanov, George (1856-1918) -- Pluralism -- Pluralist Thesis -- Police -- Police State -- Policing -- Politburo -- Political Correctness -- Political Culture -- Political Economy -- Political Emancipation -- Political Science -- Political Sphere -- Politicization -- Politics -- Polls, Surveys, Samples, Theory of -- Polyandry -- Polygamy -- Polygyny -- Population Base -- Population Theory -- Pornography -- Pornoviolence -- Positive Law -- Positivism -- Post-Fordism -- Postmodern, Affirmative -- Postmodern, Nihilistic -- Postmodernists/Postmodernism -- Postmodernity -- Postmodernity, Sources of -- Postmodern Philosophy of Science -- Poststructuralism -- Poverty -- Poverty, Subculture of -- Power -- Power, Alienation of -- Power, Forms of -- Power-Elite Thesis -- Power of Attorney -- Pragmatism -- Praxis/Practice -- Praxis, Christian -- Precedent -- Prediction -- Prehistory -- Premodern -- Prestige -- Presumption of Innocence -- Price -- Prima facie -- Primary Group -- Primitive Capitalism -- Primogeniture -- Private Enterprise -- Private Property -- Private Sector -- Privilege/Privileged -- Privileged Communication -- Problem -- Procedural Law -- Production, Social Relations of -- Productive Labor -- Product Liability -- Profanation -- Profit -- Profit, Falling Rates of -- Profit, Rate of -- Profit Sharing -- Proletarianization -- Proletariat -- Proof -- Propaganda -- Property -- Prophet (Prophetic Mode) -- Proscription -- Prosperity Theology -- Prostitution -- Prostitution, Theory of -- Protected Person -- Protestant/Protestantism -- Protestant Ethic, The -- Proudhon, Pierre Joseph (1809-1865) -- Psychogenic Aids -- Psychology -- Psychology, Radical -- Psychology, Social -- Psychopathic Disorder -- Psychosexual Development -- Psycho-Technology -- Public -- Public Good, The -- Public Morals -- Public Opinion -- Public Opinion Policy Process -- Public Place -- Public Policy -- Public Relations -- Punishment -- Putative -- Pygmalion Studies -- Pyrrho (ca. 360-270 b.c.e.) -- Q -- Quality -- Quality of Life Variables -- Quantification -- Quantification Theory -- Quantity -- Quantity of Life Variables -- Queer Theory -- Quotidien, le -- R -- Race -- Racism -- Radical -- Radical Theater/Cinema -- Rank and File -- Rape -- Rape (As Metaphor) -- Rape, Feminist Theories of -- Rational Choice, Theory of -- Rationality -- Rationality (As a Moment of Praxis) -- Rationality Crises -- Rational-Purposive Institutions -- Rational Thinking -- Readerly (Versus Writerly) Text -- Reading -- Realization, Problem of -- Rebellion -- Rebellion, Pre-Theoretical -- Recession -- Recidivism -- Red -- Red Feather Institute -- Redistribution -- Red Squad -- Reductionism -- Reference Group Theory -- Reflection Theory -- Reform -- Rehabilitation -- Reich, Wilhelm (1897-1957) -- Reification -- Relative Deprivation Theory -- Religion -- Rent -- Replacement Discourses -- Replication -- Repression -- Repression, Surplus -- Reproduction of Labor Power -- Reproduction (of Society) -- Represent/Representation -- Republican, As a Form of Government -- Restorative Justice -- Retribution -- Reversal of Hierarchies -- Revisionism -- Revisionism, Theory of -- Revolution -- Revolution, Theory of -- Revolutionary Base -- Revolutionary Practice -- Rhetoric -- Rhizome -- Ricardo, David (1772-1823) -- Right -- Right, Philosophy of -- Right-Wing Communism -- Rising Expectations, Revolution of -- Rite of Passage -- Role Dispossession -- Role Distance -- Role-Set -- Role-Taking -- Role Theory -- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712-1778) -- Routine Activities, Theory of -- Ruge, Arnold (1802-1880) -- Ruling Class -- S -- Sacred/Profane -- Saint-Simon, Claude Henri, Count (1760-1825) -- Sanctification/De-sanctification -- Sanction -- Sartre, Jean-Paul (1905-1980) -- Satanism -- Saussure, Ferdinand de (1857-1913) -- Scapegoat -- Science -- Science, Modern -- Science, Postmodern -- Science, Premodern -- Second International -- Second Law (of Thermodynamics) -- Sect -- Self, Social -- Self-Determination -- Self-Estrangement -- Self-Fulfilling Prophecy -- Self-Realization -- Semantics -- Semiotics -- Sensual/Sensuality -- Serf -- Sexism -- Sexism (and Capitalism) -- Sexuality -- Sexual Psychopathy -- Shame -- Sign -- Significant Others -- Signifying Chain -- Sign System -- Simmel, Georg (1858-1918) -- Simulacrum -- Simulation -- Sin, Original -- Site/Space -- Skepticism -- Slavery -- Smith, Adam (1723-1790) -- Social Base -- Social Capital -- Social Change Theory -- Social Contract Theory -- Social Control -- Social Control, Parallel Systems of -- Social Darwinism -- Social Democracy -- Social Distance -- Social Engineering -- Social Harness -- Social Inequality -- Socialism -- Socialism, Bureaucratic -- Socialism, Christian -- Socialism, Democratic -- Socialism, Lemon -- Socialism, Market -- Socialist Humanism -- Socialist Liberation Movements -- Socialist Revolution -- Sociality -- Socialization -- Socialization of the Means of Production -- Socialized Medicine -- Social Justice -- Social Lifeworld -- Social Magic -- Social Mobility -- Social Opinion -- Social Power -- Social Psychology -- Social Psychology, Macro -- Social Psychology, Modern -- Social Psychology, Premodern -- Social Psychology, Socialist -- Social Realism -- Social Role -- Social Security -- Social Status -- Social System -- Society -- Sociobiology -- Socioeconomic Status -- Sociology -- Sociology, Emancipatory -- Sociology, Radical -- Sociology of Development -- Sociology of Deviance -- Sociology of Fraud -- Sociology of Knowledge -- Sociology of Recreation -- Sociology of Youth -- Solidarity -- Solidarity, Mechanical -- Solidarity, Organic -- Solidarity (the Union) -- Solution -- Sorel, Georges (1847-1920) -- Soviet -- Spartacus League -- Specialization -- Species-Being -- Spencer, Herbert (1820-1903) -- Sports (and Sexism) -- Sports, Ideology of -- Stage Theory -- Stalinism -- State -- State (and Class Struggle) -- State, Theory of -- State Capitalism -- Statistical Significance -- Status -- Status Crimes -- Status Honor/Differentiation -- Status Inconsistency -- Stewardship -- Stimulation (of the Economy) -- Stoic/Stoicism -- Story/Storytelling -- Strata Organizing -- Stratification -- Strike -- Structural Analysis -- Structural Functionalism -- Structuralism -- Structure -- Struggle for Survival -- Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) -- Subjectivity -- Substantive Rationality -- Suicide -- Super Max -- Superstructure -- Supply and Demand, The Law of -- Surplus Labor -- Surplus Population -- Surplus Production -- Surplus Value -- Survival of the Fittest -- Swinks -- Symbol -- Symbolic Interaction -- Symbol Sets -- Syntagm -- System -- Systematically Distorted Communication -- Systems Theory -- T -- Taboo -- Taney, Roger Brooke (1777-1864) -- Taxation -- Taxation, Progressive -- Taxation, Regressive -- Taylorism -- Techne -- Technocracy -- Technology -- Teleology -- Terrorism -- Text -- Theology -- Theology, Feminist -- Theology, Liberation -- Theology, Postmodern -- Theory -- Theory, Theory of -- Theory of the State -- Thermidor -- Third World -- Topology -- Total Institution -- Totalitarianism -- Totality -- Totalizing -- Tracy, Destutt de (1758-1836) -- Trade Union -- Trade Union Congress (TUC) -- Transaction -- Transpraxis -- Trope -- Trotsky, Leon (1879-1940) -- Truth -- Truth, Sojourner (1797-1883) -- Twelve Tables -- Two-Party System -- U -- Ultrastability -- Underclass (Undermass) -- Underground Structures -- Unemployment -- Union -- Union Corruption -- United Front -- Unproductive Labor -- Upper Class -- URPE -- Usury -- Utility/Utilitarianism -- Utopia/Utopianism -- V -- Validity Claims -- Value -- Value (Exchange-) -- Value, Labor Theory of -- Value, Postmodern View of -- Value, Surplus -- Value (Use-) -- Vanguard/Vanguardism -- Variety -- Vico, Giovanni Batista (1688-1744) -- Victimology -- Victims Without Crimes -- Viet Cong (Viet Minh) -- Violence, Gender -- Virtue -- Voice/Voices -- Vulgar Marxism -- W -- Wage Labor -- Wages, Iron Law of -- Wages, Real -- Wallace, Alfred (1823-1913) -- War, Sociology of -- War, Theory of -- War Crimes -- Warfare State -- Waste Production -- Wave Theory -- Webb, Sidney James (1859-1947), and Beatrice Potter Webb (1858-1943) -- Weber, Max (1864-1920) -- Welfare State -- Westphalen, Jenny von (1814-1881) -- White-Collar Crime -- Witchcraft -- Wittgenstein, Ludwig (1889-1951) -- Wizard of Oz -- Womanism -- Wonk/Wonks -- Worker -- Working Class -- Working Day -- World Council of Churches -- Writerly (Versus Readerly) Text -- Wycliffe, John (1320-1384) -- Y -- Yankee-Cowboy Thesis -- Yuppie -- Z -- Zeno of Elea (490-430 b.c.e.) -- Zenophobia -- Zero-Sum Game -- Zimbardo, Philip (1933- ) -- Zionism -- Z Theory
T.R Young, Bruce A. Arrigo
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