1. Geriatric Physical Therapy in the 21st Century: Overarching Principles and Approaches to Practice 2. Aging Demographics and Trends 3. Age-related Physiological Changes: An Overview 4. Psychosocial Aspects of Aging 5. Environmental Design: Accommodating Sensory Changes and Mobility Limitations in the Older Adult 6. Geriatric Pharmacology 7. Functional Outcomes and Assessment for Older Adults 8. Exercise and Physical Activity for Older Adults 9. Age-related Changes in Gait and Mobility 10. Balance and Falls in Older Adults 11. Patient Education: Implications for Physical Therapist Practice 12. Caregiving of the Older Adult 13. The Older Adult who is Frail 14. Management of the Acutely Ill Older Patient 15. Impaired Joint Mobility in Older Adults 16. Impaired Muscle Performance in Older Adults 17. Impaired Motor Control and Neurologic Rehabilitation in Older Adults 18. Aerobic Capacity and the Management of the Patient with Cardiopulmonary and Pulmonary Limitations 19. Cognitive Issues in the Older Adult 20. Management of Post-surgical Orthopedic Conditions in the Older Adult 21. Management of Integumentary Conditions in the Older Adult 22. Management of the Pelvic Floor in Older Men and Women 23. Wellness for the Older Adult 24. Acute Care Management of the Older Adult 25. Post-Acute Care Management of the Older Adult 26. Home Health Management of the Older Adult 27. Hospice and End of Life 28. Senior Athlete 29. Health Policy for Physical Therapists and Older Adults