This long-awaited book is a gem. It is a comprehensive survey of the state of the art in the theory of parts and wholes, particularly as work on that topic is carried on in philosophy and logic...This is a work that is clear, careful, and judicious...interesting and engaging...a must-have work, not just for those primarily concerned with mereology, but for anyone who finds the theory of parts and wholes relevant for their thinking. Cotnoir and Varzi have done the profession a great service. This book will serve as the new standard and touchstone for work in mereology for decades to come.
A.J. Cotnoir is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Logic and Metaphysics at the University of St Andrews. His research focuses on areas of metaphysics, philosophical logic, philosophy of language, and philosophy of religion. He is the co-editor of a collection entitled Composition as Identity (Oxford University Press, 2014), and has published widely on the metaphysics of parthood, composition, and identity.
Achille C. Varzi is Professor of Philosophy at Columbia University, New York, where he has been teaching since 1995. He has published numerous articles and books in logic, metaphysics, formal ontology, and the philosophy of language and literature. He is an editor of The Journal of Philosophy, a subject editor of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, and an associate or advisory editor of several other journals and book series.