. Facet dependent gas sensing properties of metal oxide nanostructures 2. Metal oxide semiconductor thin film transistors for gas sensing application 3. Recent developments in 2D MoS2 thin films for gas sensing applications 4. Template assisted nanostructures for gas sensing applications 5. An Introduction to Biosensors 6. Luminescent Nanoparticles for Bio- applications 7. Nanophotonic biosensors for disease diagnosis 8. Precision nanoclusters: Promising materials for sensing, optoelectronics, and biology 9. Recent trends in core-shell nanostructures based SERS substrate 10. Non-invasive biomarker sensors using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy 11. Nanomaterials-based flexible Electrochemical sensors for healthcare 12. Resistive Switching in Metal Oxides for Various Applications 13. Mechanical bottom-up nano-assembling and nano-manipulation using shape memory alloy nanogripper 14. Diamond deposition on WC-Co substrates with interlayers for Engineering Applications